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I nuzzled my head a little deeper into Alex's neck and he chuckled, kissing my temple before returning to tapping away on his computer.

"You're super cuddly today bubs." I nodded. "What's wrong?"

"I want cuddles."

"I know baby. Only a couple more hours though and we can go home okay?" I nodded. "Have you had a coffee today?"

"This morning."

"Why don't you go get one from downstairs?"

"The new one?"

"Yeah. I got you your muffin there this morning, really nice place. I saw they do milkshakes." I sat up. "You want a milkshake now huh?" I nodded quickly, Alex smiling as he leaned forward, kissing my cheek quickly. 3 months of being his girlfriend and I was officially ruined. He'd found a way to take me out on an evening after work without us being seen, booking out entire restaurants just so I'd agree to go on a date with him. Even at work, he was booking time into my calendar and labelling it under work related one to one meetings so I could sit with him like this. He'd done everything to make me comfortable with it, taking it so slow we actually took sex off the table for the first month, it would have been longer but I just couldn't wait anymore.

I'd quit the bar, as Dean demanded, working a month with him so the other staff could find new places to go. I still saw Dean, going to his and Harry's once a month for dinner. Alex dropped me off and came back when I said we were done which was usually a few hours and a couple bottles of wine later and he'd drive me home, tuck me into my bed. I still hadn't taken up his offer on moving in with him, but he was now essentially living with me. He liked to say he wasn't but I think after 3 months of him sleeping in my house, it kind of defeated whatever he said.

"Go get a milkshake angel. Take Alice with you, make a little thing. We're gone all next week so you won't see her."

"You're trying to make me spend your money again." I rolled my eyes, Alex's hands running over my sides as he sat back in the chair. "I have my own Alex."

"I know you do beautiful, spend mine anyway."

"No." He raised his eyebrows and I giggled. "I'm not putting it on your card. I can buy my own milkshake."

"Fine, I'll just put it in your account."

"No." He laughed. "I'll send it back."

"So will I."

"Are we gonna keep doing this every time I buy myself something?"

"Until you give in, yes. Let me spoil you." He started tickling me until I was fighting to climb off him. I managed it, holding my hands out when he threatened to get out of his chair, my breath a wreck from laughing, ribs aching all over again after the dozens of laughing fits he'd had me in over the past few days.

"If you make me take Alice, she's gonna ask about my boyfriend. And the trip."

"Mhm." He nodded, pulling his wallet out and holding his card up for me, blue eyes demanding that I just take his card. "Tell her all about it."

"What that we're going for work? Or that you desperately want to see me swimming naked in a private pool." He ran his tongue over his teeth as I walked over slowly, pulling the card out of his hand. "Want anything? Other than me."

"All I want is you Penelope." Alex planted a kiss on the back of my hand. "Now go on, before I'm forced to have you on my desk for the 3rd time this week." I smirked, turning on my heels. "I love that outfit by the way."

"I'm throwing it out when I get home."


"Just to spite you." I shrugged, blowing him a kiss as I walked out of his office, turning with a roll of my eyes at Alice who chuckled. "Lord Douche gave me the company card. Drinks on me?"

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