Twenty Two

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I sat down in what had been my usual seat in this god forsaken van. I had hoped and prayed I'd never see this again. That I'd never seen Jaxson again. But here I was being literally kidnapped by my ex-fiancée. And I was hurting. So, fucking bad. Like my entire body felt like I was simultaneously on fire and drowning. I laid my head back on the headrest, breathing in the dark, smoky air that always followed Jaxson around. It lingered in places he was the most and judging by the faint blood stains on his chair, he'd been in here a lot. He always got it deep cleaned after a job so nothing stained. If that had stain it was either recent, or he'd been using the van too much for it to be cleaned. I'd been back a week and judging by the work he'd had to do to track me down, I'm going with the latter.

The sunlight got a little darker as Jaxson climbed in with a heavy sigh. He adjusted his suit jacket as he sat down beside me, instantly pulling my knee closer to him before slamming the door closed. I pulled my leg back from him, feeling sick under his touch.

"Poppy. Stop being difficult princess. You knew this was how it was going to end. You knew I was going to find you. I told you I always would."

"You told them the same." I pulled my baseball cap off my head, throwing it onto the other chair and turning to face him. "I've built myself a life Jaxson. I worked 2 fucking jobs, barely got 2 hours sleep a night because of how much I was working. I have friends and him. I'll come with you, to keep him alive, to keep them alive, but don't for a second think that I'm doing it because I want to. Because I don't. I don't want to come back. I don't want this life. I don't want to be terrified of being fucking kidnapped every time I close my eyes. I don't want my life to be surrounded in guns and drugs and money laundering and whatever the fuck else you picked up since I left. I want freedom and safety and to work my stupid little 9 to 5."

"You don't want to see it Poppy? Fine. I'll keep you out of it."

"I'm never going to be out of it Jaxson! You come home at 3am covered in blood. The seat you're sat in right now, has fucking blood stains! Just being close to you means I'm in it." His jaw twitched, staring at me and I could tell he was getting mad but if I was going, I wasn't going quietly unless he put them all at risk. They were at risk if I didn't do as I was told. So, I'll do as I'm told. But I'm sure as hell going to give it the Penelope Cooper attitude. Two quick knocks on the window and the door opened, my phone being handed to Jaxson before it closed again. He looked at the phone in his hand, tapped it twice on his palm and looked up at me.

"You love him?"

"I don't want to answer that."

"So, you do?" I just looked at him and he sighed again, holding the phone out to me. "I won't hurt him Poppy. Come with me, carry on our life as if he never happened, as if you never left, and no one will touch him. Or anyone else from your life here. But you call him now like you called me. Tell him it's over, that you're gone and not coming back. Would he track your phone?" I shook my head. He would. He definitely would. "You're not lying?"

"Why would I put him in harm's way?" He nodded, handing me my phone. "Can I at least have some privacy to do this?"

"For you to tell him? No chance Poppy. Call him. End it, we'll go get you some food and go home. I'll have to get a hairdresser to come sort your hair, because as hot as you are blonde, I definitely prefer you before." Gee thanks. I sighed, calling Alex's number, and sitting back in the chair.

"Hey baby." My heart stopped, eyes brimming with tears immediately. "I'm just grabbing my stuff from my locker. Everything okay?" I sighed.


"Poppy? What's wrong? You never call me that."

"Can you do me a favour, just let me talk for a second without speaking?" Silence on the other end of the line. "Please Al." Another thing I never called him. I really hoped he was picking up on this. He had to.

"Okay Pops. But before you do. I love you. Everything's gonna be okay." He got it. I closed my eyes, laying my head back as tears fell down my cheeks.

"I can't do this. It's too much. Moving and work and us. I - um- I'm not the girl you deserve Al. You deserve someone so much better than me. Less broken. Happier, prettier, less chaotic. Someone who can travel the world and love you as much as you love them." I bit back a whimper and cleared my throat. "But- uh- that's not me. So, I'm gone. I've left my stuff, just get rid of it. I don't need it. Bin or donate, I don't care. Do whatever. I can't come back to work either."

"Wait. Pops. Wha- You were fine when I left. Where are you? I'll come get you baby. Don't move."

"Alexander. Listen to me. Closely. Do not try to find me. It's not worth it. I can't come back." A door slammed on his end of the call, engine starting. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this. I wish things were different and that I was waking up and this was all a bad dream but it's not and I can't do it. I'm not strong enough Al."

"Poppy. Poppy. Stop a second baby. It's okay. Everything's gonna be alright. You're strong enough okay. You're so strong Pops. I love you. I love you more than anything. Remember my promise?"


"It still stands. I'm not going anywhere Poppy. Is he with you?"

"Yes Al. I'm serious." He sighed.

"I'm coming Poppy. I'll find you baby okay. Keep calm, do what you need to. I'm coming."

"Bye Al."

"I'll see you real soon baby. I promise and I don't break my promises." I hung up the call, wiping my tears and just sitting for a second before breathing in and sitting up, handing him my phone back so he could, no doubt block his number so I couldn't call him again.

"I'm sorry Poppy. I know that was hard princess. But it's done now okay? Everything is back to normal. We'll get your hair back, get you back home in your normal clothes and it'll be like none of this ever happened." 

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