Chapter 2

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I took up my office phone and called the front desk

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I took up my office phone and called the front desk. Miss Counsell answered on the first ring. 

"Hello, Mr. Hendricks?" 

"Where is the interviewee?" 

"Sir she is waiting outside your door, her name is Denique Cooper" 

Outside my door? But mi nuh pass nuh body when mi a come in.  I hung up 

"Miss Cooper" I called as my foul mood worsened.  God know Mi caw badda, I have so much to do today, and this a wul mi up. I just want to be over and done with this. The door opened, and she walked in. I saw her ass first as she slightly turned to close the door behind her. Damn, she shape good.  I can give her that

"Good morning, I am Denique Cooper", she's pretty too. The blouse that she wore was slightly open, and the top of her breast, her hips wide and mature, her feet slim and perfect in her heels.  I look at her face again her round face perfect with her chocolate skin, her lips full. I cleared my throat. Time and place. 

"Good morning, I am Dwvorn Hendricks, please sit." I tried to keep a neutral tone.  

"Good morning, I am Denique Cooper. " her voice has a sweet raspy sound. I like it.

She began to walk towards the chair that was placed in front of my desk to the side when all of a sudden she wrung her leg and came tumbling down on me. Her eyes wide open, she quickly tried to steady herself, embarrassment plastered on her face as she straighten her clothes and sits. I looked at her sternly. Mi nuh have time fi this shit. Why women wear shoes them caw manage?

I grabbed the folder with her documents from my table and looked through it while she sits. Did not go to college, 7 CXCs and 5 CAPEs. I looked up at her nervous face. "Why didn't you go to college?" I asked out of interest. It didn't matter if she had or hadn't. 

"My grandmother got ill and I had to stay back and look after her, she was sick for a few years." I could see the flash of emotion like she was remembering, and then it was gone quickly. She cleared her throat.

I nod, not knowing what to say and continued with the interview. 


                                                                 DENIQUE COOPER 23

                                                                 DENIQUE COOPER 23

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