Chapter 20

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 Annalise's POV:

 We had a grand time at the ice cream shop. Roger surprised me by remembering my favorite. Chocolate Panda Paws with rainbow sprinkles. I surprised myself and Roger by remembering his favorite. Cookie dough ice cream with chocolate sprinkles. Peter and Story got the same flavor. Cookies & Cream with blue and white sprinkles. We laughed and talked about old memories with mom and dad. And, memories Roger and I shared. Some memories of Roger and I, I thought I'd forgotten. I remembered introducing my parents to Roger. Oh, did dad give him a hard time! It was crazy. Dad was just looking out for me. Making sure my mate was worthy of me. Well, he proved himself. We just made a few mistakes after mom's and dad's death....We all make mistakes...It's alright. I choose to trust him and love him the way I always did since I first laid eyes on him. Before mom and dad died, they always told me, that ever since I met Roger, I had this sparkle in my eyes. They said you could see the love in my eyes. Even when we were apart. It disappeared after the accident...But, Peter told me the other day, he could see it in my eyes again. The love. The sparkle. I was really happy. I don't know why, but I was.

Roger's POV:

 I don't remember the last time I had so much fun. It was probably years ago before the accident....Anyways, Annalise and I just...kinda seemed to pick up where we left off. We sometimes have moments where we have trouble talking to each other, but we figure it out. Sometimes, we have moments of awkward silence. Sometimes, it's a peaceful silence. Annalise is looking more beautiful now than she has in a while. Her eyes just seem to sparkle, she seems much happier than before, she smiles more often, I could go on!

 Anyways, after we finished our ice cream, we headed back home. Peter turned on some music. I smiled as I listened to Annalise, Peter, and even Story sing with it. Annalise always had such a wonderful voice. Whenever I wasn't feeling good, she always sang to me. It somehow just helped me feel better. The song that was playing right now was 'I'll See You Again' sung by Westlife. Westlife was a boyband that Annalise and Peter like. When I was getting to know Annalise, she introduced me to them and I got to like them too. Even Story likes them. The song, Annalise said, became special to her and Peter after the accident. I can understand why too. It's a really good song that can give someone going through the death of a loved one, hope.

 About an hour and a half later, Peter pulled up in front of mine and Story's house. I surprised myself my staying awake for the drive home. I guess I was really tired out today....A little embarrassing...."You sound a little like when we met Annalise." Lewis remarked, smirking at me. "W-well, I just don't want to make a fool of myself in front of her or her brother! Or anyone for that matter..." "Same old Roger..." Lewis smiled. "It's nice to have you back." I smiled, shaking my head. I guess I always was afraid of making myself look stupid in front of other people. After Annalise and I broke up, I guess I thought hanging out with the cool kids and doing what they did would make me cool. That is something I regret doing...I regret a lot of things. But, at least I've been given the chance to make things right.

 I got out and held out my hand to help my mate out of the car. She smiled, nodding. "Thank you, Roger." "Of course, my lady." I smiled as Annalise blushed and took my hand. "Mom! Dad! We're home!" Story called, once we entered the house. Mom came hurrying up with dad behind her. "Hi, Roger, Story! How was everything?" mom asked, smiling. "It was good." I replied. "That's good, son." my dad smiled. "Oh, um...I gotta get going. I have something I need to take care of at home." Annalise said suddenly. I frowned, slightly confused. "Alright? Call me if you need me." I told her. "I will. Peter, you can stay if you want." Annalise told her little brother. "Alright, thanks, sis!" With that, Annalise bid us goodbye and left. I watched her retreating figure, wondering what she had to do. She told me she usually spent the whole day with Peter, going through old memories. Maybe things were getting too painful for her...? Maybe I made things awkward? "We can always ask her, genius." Lewis remarked. I rolled my eyes. "You really think Ann is gonna tell us what's on her mind? Especially if it was me?" Lewis remained silent a moment. "You have a point...But still, what if it wasn't you? What if something else is wrong?" My eyes went wide. He could be right...But then again....what's wrong? "I'll ask her tomorrow. She does seem to have something on her mind lately. Though I guess I never thought to ask...." Lewis nodded and went silent. I went outside and sat down on the stairs to our house. I kept thinking about Annalise...About the past and...what happened. I guess that'll always be a sore subject, but, hopefully, we can move past it. I reached up and touched my neck where Annalise's mark had been. I hope we can go back to the way we were....


 Hey everyone! Sorry I took so long to update this, but I had some writer's block for a while. I hope you enjoy this chapter. God bless! Have a good week.

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