Chapter 13

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 Annalise's POV:

 "Peter? What's wrong?" I asked as my brother rushed into the house. "Roger is very sick. He's weak and may not last long." Peter explained with a serious look on his face. My eyes were wide. It was if everything around me had stopped. The only sound of life was the beat of my heart and my heavy breathing. "He needs you, Annalise." Peter's words brought me out of my daze. "Why?" "Because he's your mate! I know you love him." "No, I don't. Even if I did, he doesn't need, want, or love me. Now, I have some laundry to put away. If you haven't finished your homework I suggest you do it. Besides, it can't be that bad. I don't feel much of anything. Maybe a little bit, but not enough to feel like death." "Annalise he's dying! Quit lying to me! You wanna know why you don't feel much of anything?? Because his wolf is keeping the pain from you! He's doing it because he loves you! You may not care anything about him, but Story does! And I know that the only way he'd fight, is if you were there!" I rolled my eyes. "He'll fight without me there." "Just humor me, ok?? I love Story and don't want to see her upset! Roger means a lot to her. You are what he needs, believe it or not. Now, if you won't do it for Roger, do it for Story." I sighed. "Fine. I'll go." I frowned, frustrated. Peter took my hand and I followed him to Story's house. Peter knocked on the door, which was soon opened by Mrs. Thomas. "Hi, Peter. Story is waiting-Annalise??!" I smiled sheepishly. "Hey, Mrs. Thomas..." Mrs. Thomas smiled and hugged me. "Oh, Peter must've told you about Roger and you came to see him...I'm really sorry, dear.." "Actually, I really just came to see Story...I'm sorry about Roger, Mrs. Thomas." I said, hugging her back. I have nothing against Roger's mother, father, or sister. They didn't do anything. I actually have coffee with Mrs. Thomas every other weekend. "You're friendly with Roger's family. But not him." Peter remarked as we walked to Roger's bedroom. "Roger's family didn't abandon or cheat on me. Roger did." Peter sighed. "You know, Story told me that Roger's been feeling really down lately. He finally told her why. Because he missed you. Because he regrets what he did and feels so guilty. You must've felt the bond between you breaking, right?" I nodded slowly. "The bond breaking was too much for him. He could be gone by the time your mark fades. Don't you get it?? He's sorry for what he did to you. He loves you very much." Peter sighed and opened the door to Roger's room. "Peter, you're back!" Story smiled at him as we entered. While they hugged, I was staring at the bed. "How is he?" I heard Peter ask. "His fever has gone up...He's restless...I just don't know what to do...I think we're running out of time..." The world around me seemed to stop at her words. The only beings around me was Roger and I. I just stood there in shock, my eyes wide.

Story's POV:

 Peter and I looked at Annalise as she stared at my brother. I could see the pain and shock in her eyes. I could see she really cared about him. And it was only just now coming out. "We'll leave you alone for a while.." I said quietly. Peter nodded and followed me out of the room. "I hope this will work....I just can't imagine my life without him..." I spoke in a low voice. I crossed my arms and looked down at the ground. Peter put his hands on my arms. "I know, Story, I know....But, even if he doesn't make it, you have your parents, Annalise, and most importantly, me. I'll always be there for you whenever you need me. I'll never leave you. I love you, my Story.." "That means a lot to me, Peter...I won't ever leave you, either...I love you.." We hugged each other tight. I was so glad he was my mate. He's the best mate I could ever ask for...He's perfect for me...I just wish Annalise and Roger would realize they were perfect for each other......

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