Chapter 12

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Peter's POV:

 My eyes were wide. I felt my heart break for my sister and my mate. I knew Annalise still cared for him, even if she refused to admit it and we never talked about him. I could see it in her eyes. I also knew very well that Story loved Roger a lot. I took her in my arms and rubbed her back up and down as she cried on my shoulder. "Lex, do you know what is happening with their bond..?" I asked my wolf. He looked at me with a sad look on his face. He shook his head. "You don't want to know..." he said quietly. I stared at him. "W-what do you mean, Lex??" I asked, not sure if I even wanted to know. "I'm afraid...It's too late....." with that, he cut off the connection. What...? To late...? No...It can't be....I could feel tears of my own streaming down my cheeks. "Peter..? What's wrong..?" Story asked, looking up at me. I didn't want to tell her what Lex had told me. She looked at me, her eyebrows raised. "Did Lex say something..?" she asked. I nodded slowly. "About Roger and Miss Annalise?" I again nodded. She frowned, realization coming to her. "Their bond...?" I nodded. "He said it's.......too late...." Her eyes went wide. Tears once again began flowing freely down her cheeks as she shook her head. "No....No, it can't be...." she cried. We held each other tight and cried, comforting one another at the same time.

 Third Person POV:

 Indeed. The bond has finally snapped. Slowly, their marks would begin to fade and that would be the end of it. It would all be over. They may never know love or joy again. The guilt and pain finally became too much for Roger....Annalise was feeling off, because she still had her mark. She could feel what Roger was feeling. Her feelings she was receiving from him, however, were much less than those he had. He felt much, much worse than she was feeling. And that was Lewis' doing. The faithful wolf guardian made sure Annalise did not feel his pain and suffering. He was slowly weakening as Roger's life slowly faded away. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep away all the pain and suffering or even do it for long. But he just had to. He loved her too much to let her suffer. 

Peter's POV:

 Story brought me to see Roger. When I saw him, my eyes went wide. Lex whimpered at the sight of him. "T-that's R-Roger...?" I asked. She nodded slowly. I looked back at him. He looked so different....He was pale and thin. He looked so weak. He had bags under his eyes and had a less than peaceful expression on his face. To top it all, his hair was an absolute mess. I turned to Story and hugged her tight. I rubbed her back and comforted her as she cried on my shoulder. My poor little mate....Oh man! Annalise! "Annalise has probably been feeling what he's feeling!" I exclaimed suddenly. Story's eyes went wide. "Oh no..." she spoke quietly. "But...she doesn't seem any different than normal..." I frowned in confusion. Annalise would feel what he's feeling, wouldn't she? She has his mark. "I wonder..." Story suddenly said. "What?" "Lewis. His wolf. Lewis must be holding back the pain and suffering as much as he can. She might be feeling something, but hasn't told anyone or even showed it." I realized that she was probably right. "That's gotta be hard on him." I remarked, glancing at Roger. Story nodded slowly, looking at Roger. I held her close to me. "I don't know what I'm going to do without him, Peter....He's always been here for me whenever I need him....He's always been my big brother...He loved me and always made time for me. Even when he was really busy he'd make time for me..." Story said in a quiet, choked up voice. I frowned. I hated seeing her so heart broken. "Story, stay here with Roger, alright? I'll be back, I promise." I told her, planting a kiss on her forehead. She nodded. "Where are you going?" "I need to tell Annalise. He needs her. The only way he is going to survive is if he has Annalise by his side." "She's not going to come, Peter. She hates him. She said it herself.." "Then I'll drag her here. All I know, is I hate seeing you so upset. I will do anything to make you happy again. And I know, somewhere, deep inside those two, they still love each other so very much." Story looked over at Roger and sighed before looking back at me. "Go. I'll wait here for you and make sure he doesn't give up on life before you come back with his mate." I smiled. "I love you, Story." "I love you too, Peter." With that, I ran out of the room, out the door, and straight for my house.

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