Chapter 17

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 Annalise's POV:

 Roger ran his thumb over my hand slowly, the small, weak smile never leaving his face. "I'll tell mom and dad." Story said quickly. "I'll call the doctor." Peter told us and followed after Story. I just kept looking at Roger. It felt like...It honestly felt like before the accident...Before we fell apart. I just wanted this to last forever. At that moment, I heard footsteps come running up the stairs. I turned and saw Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. "My son!" Mrs. Thomas exclaimed, running over to the bed. "Roger, my boy.." Mr. Thomas smiled, standing just behind his wife. Roger looked up at them with a small smile. "Peter is calling the doctor. He should be here soon." his dad told us. "I'll leave you three alone a while." I replied, going to stand up. But Roger's hand stayed on mine. He was weak, so I could have left, even with his hand holding mine, but I didn't move. He gave me a small frown, almost a pleading look. "I don't think he wants you to go." his mom smirked. "Roger, I think your parents deserve some alone time with you. I'll come back the second the doctor arrives, alright?" I asked. He reluctantly nodded slowly. I stood up, feeling his hand slip from off of mine. You know how sometimes, when you get a kiss or something from somebody you like, you feel like never washing that spot again? Well, that's what I felt like now. I went into the living room and waited for the doctor with Story and Peter. "So, Roger finally let you go?" Peter smirked. I looked at him. "What?" "I saw him holding your hand, sis. I see you holding your hand. And, I see the blush on your cheeks." I hadn't even realized I was blushing. "W-well, I just thought maybe his parents would like to be alone with him for a bit." I said slowly. Peter laughed. Story smiled. "I think it's sweet, Miss Annalise," she replied. "Thank you, Story.." 

 Roger's POV:

 I wanted to talk, but I couldn't. I wanted Annalise to stay with me, but, she was right. My parents probably want to spend a little time with me alone. It seemed like a long time before Annalise, Story, and Peter walked in with the doctor. My mom and dad backed away and let the doctor examine me. Annalise stood by the doorway. "Well, young man, you are very lucky." the doctor declared, putting his stethoscope around his neck. "Roger's been through a lot. He needs to eat well and he needs rest. He'll be alright." The doctor smiled at me. "Good to have you back, son." he said before looking at my parents. "Roger's had a close call. But, with the proper care, your boy will be just fine. I'll be taking my leave now. Call me if you need me." My parents nodded. "Thank you, doctor. We'll do that."  my dad replied, nodding. "We'll walk you out." my mom said, following the doctor out. "We'll be back, Roger." my dad smiled at me before following my mom. I looked up at Annalise, who looked away. Honestly, even if I could talk right now, I'm not sure what I'd say. "Hi, Annalise, thanks for being by my side throughout this whole thing. And by the way, I'm sorry I ruined your life??" I don't think so. "Y'know, genius, that wouldn't be a bad way to start." Lewis remarked. "Be quiet, Lewis." I rolled my eyes at him. He just shrugged and went back to being silent. Honestly, lately, whenever my wolf does talk, it's a surprise because he doesn't talk much anymore. Actually it's been years since he really has had a real conversation with me...I think you can guess why and when it stopped. But, y'know, Lewis was actually right....All this time....I was wrong....Very wrong. And, that would be a good place to start talking to Annalise. An apology. I just hope she'll accept it....

 Annalise's POV:

 Roger looked at me, but I suddenly felt a little shy and looked away. I honestly don't know what to do or say. How do I open up to him or talk to him after all these years...? How are we supposed to try to go back to normal if we can't communicate with one another...? I mean, if he went mute because of the stress of all this, we can figure out a way for him to communicate. I mean, there are a lot of ways, but anyways, I just don't know what to say to him....

 Story walked over to her brother's bed and smiled down at him, taking his hand. "It's good to have to back, big brother. I'm really glad your alright. I missed you." He smiled at her. "But you know, you really scared me! What were you thinking, idiot!?" Story exclaimed, making Peter and I chuckle. Poor Roger laid there in the bed, his eyes wide. I could tell he wanted to attempt an answer but no words came out. Even if he could talk, I don't think he'd have any words he could say. Peter walked over to his mate and put his arms around her. "It's alright now, Story. It wasn't his decision to get sick." Story settled into his embrace. I smiled, wishing that was me and Roger. I glanced over at Roger and noticed he was looking at them wistfully. I wonder if he was wishing the same thing....

 Several hours passed and I decided Peter and I had better get back home. Peter had school and training tomorrow. He's missed way too many days already. We both needed a good night's rest. We both bid Roger, Story, and their parents goodbye and headed home. Honestly, we were both reluctant to leave. Peter wanted Story, I could tell. And me? I wanted Roger. I wanted my mate. Which surprised me, if I'm being completely honest.

 Third Person POV:

 Several days passed. Roger was getting stronger every day. Annalise went to visit with her brother every day after Peter had gotten home from training. She and her mate never said anything, though Roger had gotten his voice back. Annalise just sat in his room quietly. Neither one knew what to say or even how to say what they felt. Deep down, they had an idea of what they wanted to say, but didn't know how to say it.

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