Chapter 5

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Annalise's POV:

 "Is this really necessary?" I asked, not liking the makeup Ashlynn was applying to my face. "Of course!" she exclaimed. "Look, Ash, I'm grateful for your help. But I really don't like all this makeup." I stated, wiping the makeup off, despite my friend's protests. "I already have all your dresses you bought me. But I really don't feel comfortable wearing all that makeup." "At least wear a little!" Ashlynn pleaded with me. I sighed. "Fine." I remarked, and began applying some foundation to my face. "I have some shoes for you here!" "I'll wear them if they are flats or wedges. I can't walk in normal heals." Somehow, I was thinking she was holding a pair of her normal heals. We're the same size with shoes, so, they'd fit I just couldn't walk without breaking an ankle or two. "I know, I know! That is why I picked these wedges!" she held up a pair of navy blue wedges. They were one of the few dressy things I owned. Actually probably the only dressy thing I own. Usually it's all casual. Well, I do have my work clothes, but then again, that's for work. I finished adding my mascara and spun around in my chair. "Thanks, Ash." I replied, putting them on. "No problem! Now let's go or we'll be late!" Ashlynn grabbed my hand and we went down the stairs. "Story! Peter! I'm leaving now!" "Alright!" Peter called, coming out of his room with Story. He gave me a hug. "Have fun, sis." he smiled. "Thank you, little brother. You two have fun as well." I replied as we stepped outside and got into her car.

Roger's POV:

I was just standing there at the counter. I was not enjoying myself at all. All of a sudden, Ashlynn, my friend's sister, walks in with....Annalise! Really?! If John invited me just to get me back with her, then I will-"Bro! What are you doing? Come on!" John called. "No, John." I growled. He rolled his eyes. Annalise looked over at me and began walking my way. My eyes were wide, my heart thumped. "H-hi....Annalise.." I said quietly. She didn't answer. She just nodded to me, grabbed a drink and left. My heart sank. Why do I still feel this way...? Why can't I just let her go...? I excused myself from the party quickly and went outside.

Annalise's POV:

I saw Roger leave the party. My wolf wanted to go after him. I could see tears in his eyes. From what I remember about him, he doesn't cry very often...Only when something really gets to him. He tries not to show it, but things do get to him. "Ashlynn, I'll be right back..." I hesitated. "Alright, sure." she replied. I walked outside. I saw Roger sitting on the ground with his back to me. He was crying. It made my heart ache for him. We may not be together anymore, but that doesn't mean I want to see him miserable. I sat down beside him. He jumped and stared at me, his eyes as wide as saucers. "It's ok..." I said soothingly. "No, it's not." he remarked. "Whatever is bothering you, it'll all be alright..." "No, it won't!" he insisted. "Maybe you can tell me what's bothering you..?" "You wouldn't understand, Annalise. Just leave me alone." "I wouldn't understand?? I've been through plenty of heartaches, Roger! My parents died! My mate left me! My boss is treating me like dirt! Whatever your problem is, I think I'd understand!" "No you wouldn't!" he shoved me. "AHHH!" I screamed. He had pushed me so hard, I was rolling down the hill.

 Roger's POV:

I didn't mean to push her. I was just mad. I jumped up and ran to her. I could feel my wolf taking over. "Don't worry, Ann...I'm here..." He whispered, picking her up. She lay there in our arms, unconscious. I tried taking back the control, but my wolf wouldn't let me. Soon, she stirred and opened her eyes. "R-Roger..." she mumbled. She didn't realize yet I was holding her. I couldn't understand it. She was calling for me?? Why..?? My wolf growled at me, but continued stroking her hair gently. She looked up at us. "Roger??" she gasped. "It's his wolf. It's alright. I won't hurt you. I promise, my love." Annalise had tears in her eyes. Then, her face went blank a moment. "Lewis...It's me...Annalise's wolf." she suddenly spoke. My eyes were wide. Her wolf must've taken over. "Oh, Jewel!" my wolf exclaimed, hugging her tight. "I miss you...." "And I you..." I shook my head and took back the control. "I'm sorry, Jewel. I have to go. If Annalise is alright now, then yea." I said coldly. She stared at me, her eyes betrayed a sense of heartbreak. "We love you, Roger..." she said, before she gave Annalise back control. I stared at her. "What?? Get away from me!" Annalise exclaimed. I stood there as still as a statue, stunned. Annalise stood up and went back inside. "She loves me...??" I said quietly. 

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