Chapter 14

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 Annalise's POV:

 I stared at Roger. This....This isn't really him....right? I mean...It's not real...right? I slowly approached the bed. Roger looked so...thin and weak...He looked exhausted and hot..."Roger....? Please wake up...Tell me this isn't real...." I don't know what came over me. Before, I hated him and didn't want anything to do with him. Now, I'm on the verge of tears at the sight of him lying there....very sick...possibly dying...I didn't know what to do. So, I did the first thing that came to my mind. I sang. I know that sounds dumb, but whenever Roger was hurt, or had a headache, or wasn't feeling well when we were together, he always felt better when I sang. "Roger, I-I don't know if you can hear me, but p-please, hang in there....Remember when I used to sing for you to help you feel better? Well, I'm gonna do it now..." A tear escaped my eye and landed on Roger's cheek. He groaned and shook his head. I sighed sadly.

 "Everybody's got an answer to a question that they need to know...Still broken over one thing I didn't ask you...Do you have to go?? Now looking for a reason, it isn't easy, but I gotta have hope..." I shut my eyes as I sang. I meant these words will all my heart...I only hope Roger could hear me and know that I mean them.

 "Sometimes it can be harder to remember than to just let go...Always seems to be something to remind me of what I miss the most....Cause you were the one thing I believed in when it all falls down...." my mind flashed back to the car crash...Maybe it seemed like I didn't want him there when I was in shock....But deep down, I did. I needed him....

 "So if you've got a candle, better light it now! And if you've got a voice, you better shout out loud! Raise your hands, above this crowd, and I will reach you!" I looked at him before gently taking his hands in mine. They were so thin...It hurt my heart to see him suffer like this. "Can you hear me?? Can you hear me now??"

 "Even though I can't see you, I can feel you, after all this time...So maybe if you're hurting, all I'm asking for is just one sign....Cause I never met anyone who was lost but didn't want to be found..."

 "So if you've got a candle, you better light it now! And if you've got a voice, you better shout out loud! Raise your hands, above this crowd, and I will reach you! Can you hear me?? Can you hear me?? I will reach you! Can you hear me now??"

 "Light it now! I will reach you...Shout out loud! I will reach you...Raise your hands above this crowd..."

 "So if you've got a candle, you better light it now, and if you've got a voice, you better shout out loud! Raise your hands, above this crowd, and I will reach you!" I still held onto his hands. I gave them a gentle squeeze. "Can you hear me?? Can you hear me?? Can you hear me now??"

 "Did you hear me?? Did you hear me?? I will reach you! Can you hear me?? I will reach you! Raise your hands, above this crowd, and I will reach you! Can you hear me now??" I ended my song, already crying. 

 "What have I done...? I'm so sorry, Roger..." I laid my head on his head and closed my eyes, just listening to him breath. "Annalise?" I heard a voice say from behind me. I looked up and turned around to see Mr. Thomas. "Oh, hello, sir.." I gave him a small smile. "I heard your song." I sighed and looked back at Roger. "I-I wanted to do something for him...I remembered he loved when I sang to him, so...." "Hey, it's ok. I understand." I shook my head. "I don't really think you do...No offense, Mr. Thomas...." Mr. Thomas frowned and walked over to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Every couple has problems, Annalise. I agree, perhaps, most don't go through the type of problems you and Roger had to go through. I don't know everything, but I know Roger has missed you a lot these past several years. He never showed it and indeed he began to change and hang out with the wrong people. But, he never could hide his feelings from his mother and I. I must admit he did very well though." he chuckled a little. "Sometimes, I didn't know what he was feeling." "How'd you know then..?" "Because I am his father and I have a mate myself. Laurie and I have been through our share of problems. We had quiet a few problems in fact..." "Like what?" "Well, her father didn't like me, so he told her to reject me, but she didn't. Because of that, her father kicked her out and she moved in with me. We were so poor, we went hungry some days. And after we married and started trying for a baby, we couldn't get pregnant. When we finally did, the child died. Several years later, we had Roger. You see, Annalise, we had problems. Big problems. But we worked through them together. Talked them out. Stayed by one another's side through it all. In wedding vows, it says, through better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. Now, some people go into marriage ignoring those words with divorce as an option. When they fight, it's over. But it shouldn't be an option. You need to talk out your problems!" I listened as he spoke. His words were so full of wisdom. I'd heard my mother tell me a few things when I was younger, and I took some of it. Other things, not exactly. Well, you can see how that turned out. My mate is dying, I'm miserable, our bond is broken, should I go on?

 "Maybe your right...But what do I do? It's too late...." "No, Annalise. It's never too late. He isn't gone yet. There is still time to mend your bond. Trust me, Annalise, I know what I'm talking about." I smiled and gave him a hug before running out of the room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I was going to help my mate get better if it was the last thing I did. I was going to fix my mistakes.

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