As the beeping accelerated, the room began moving more frantically, making me lose all hope that someone would hear my silent pleas. That was until I looked in between two nurses. In the corner of the room, I made eye contact with a man that seemed almost familiar. But no matter how hard I tried to get my brain to try to remember who he was, nothing was coming up. It was obvious I was important to him, though. There was a faint stream of tears that ran down the left side of his face, and the look of concern made me feel guilty that I couldn't remember who his mystery man was.

But as soon as he noticed I was looking straight at him, his eyes widened slightly, and I could only hope that he would hear my silent pleas. I looked above me to where the beeping was coming from, then quickly back to his gaze a few times. To my surprise, he moved toward the direction I was looking, disappearing behind me. And then it happened.


The beeping finally stopped, and it was all thanks to this mysterious man.

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh in relief. Opening them back up, I could see the nurses were scolding him, trying to make him leave, and a panic filled in my chest. The only person who was listening to me and they were going to make him leave. I kept my eyes on him, hoping he would meet my gaze again. As he locked eyes with mine again, I shifted my eyes down to my hand that I was weakly opening before shifting them back to him. I don't even know who this man is, but I needed him to stay with me. He's the only one who seems to be listening.

He pushed against the nurses who were trying to force him out and slid his hand in mine. His hands were much bigger than mine, so much that he could easily wrap his entire hand around mine. The pads of his hands were calloused, but yet his palm and fingertips were soft. He was trying to say something I could tell by the movement under his mask, but I closed my eyes, giving him a small head shake to silently tell him I couldn't hear him. He closed his eyes with a sigh and rested his forehead against mine, running his other hand against my hair. I was surprised by the gesture, but at the same time, it felt right. Like this was something my body had been used to for years. I might not have any memories of his man, but it was clear we had a history.

I frantically looked to him again when I saw a nurse grab his arm and try pulling him away. I tightened my grip on his hand as hard as I possibly could, but honestly, the wind could have opened my hand with no issues.

'Please let him stay. I need someone who listens to me.'

He shook his head to the nurse and turned back to me with a closed eyed smile. Moving our joint hands to his masked lips, he placed a small kiss on mine and caressed my cheek. Another nurse appeared behind him, pushing a chair next to him, to which he gladly took. A small smile crept on the corner of my lips as the realization sank that he wasn't going anywhere. That the mystery man who understood my silence was going to be here for me. It was relieving, and it made my eyelids grow heavy knowing that I would have someone to speak for me with him here.

Seeing my exhaustion, he rubbed his thumb gently across my eyebrows and down the bridge of my nose as if encouraging me to rest. I don't know how he did it, but the motion quickly lulled me to sleep.


Beep Beep Beep

'Ugh, again with that annoying beeping?'

I don't know how long I was out, but I'm just glad that my head didn't feel like it was being split open by a blunt kunai anymore. It was more of a dull ache now, but I will take that any day compared to how it felt before.

Opening my eyes, I was surprised to see the chair next to my bedside was empty. For some reason, it hurt to see that chair empty. I wasn't sure why, I didn't know who the man even was. But I was actually half hoping I would see him again.

The Forgotten (Kakashi x OC) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now