Chapter 7

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"And James Rowan..."

"Here!" A voice shouted.

"That's everyone accounted for then," Coach Maynard said, taking his seat right next to the bus driver.

It was Friday evening, which meant it was time for the team's first track meet of the season. As such, the team bus was bustling with excitement and anticipation not only from the many athletes that filled it but also from the coaches.

Even Coach Maynard who usually tried to keep a stoic demeanor could be seen smiling as the bus kicked into gear. Outside, the Eastwood High student body waved on their departing athletes with smiles on their faces. Had it not been lunchtime with a full evening of classes ahead they would've likely been begging to board with them and go show their support.

"Really puts the pressure on," Mathew, a loud mouth distance runner commented from the back of the bus.

"You shouldn't be too worried about such a small meet, Matthew. I heard you ran under 50 in the last 400 meters, you have nothing to worry about dude." A voice Kevin didn't recognize answered from the same direction.

"Didn't your superstar mother tell you to not doubt your opponents, Cody?" Another voice called from the back.

As Kevin tuned out the conversation and prepared to put on his headphones a shadow appeared over him.

"Mind if I sit here?" Darius asked. 

"Sure, go ahead," Kevin replied. Michael hadn't been picked to do shotput for this track meet so he hadn't been able to board the bus due to them leaving at lunch, which left Kevin relatively alone since Scarlett was up at the front with her friends.

Not that he particularly minded.

Kevin wondered if the boy would attempt to strike up conversation but Darius pulled out his own headphones and busied himself getting comfortable and immersed in his music.

Kevin mentally sighed in relief. Forced conversation was the last thing he needed right now. Coach Ryan had stressed how important the bus ride before track events was repeatedly. The extroverted tended to talk with their friends which helped to loosen them up and ease their nerves while the more introverted turned to things like music and self-reflection techniques, but all of this was just as important as warming up.

According to Coach, it was a mental warmup, preparing the mind to be ready for maximum effort.

Usually, Kevin's own mental warmup consisted of either watching track videos --which usually happened to be of Usain Bolt, or listening to some hype playlist he had thrown together in the morning.

This was definitely a hype playlist type of ride.

Approximately an hour and thirty minutes later, the bus reached its destination just as Lose Yourself by Eminem was nearing its end.

His father's favorite song.

Kevin pushed away the memories and instead focused on the sign that lay next to the entrance which read: Woodlane High. From what Kevin had heard from both Coach Ryan and Michael, it was a small school and the meet it currently hosted would be attended by no other big schools, due to the general insignificance of the school's athletic history and expectations. 

It wasn't particularly surprising that Coach Ryan and Maynard elected to have them attend this track meet despite the risk of injury. One thing Kevin quickly learned was that the coaches shared the trait of thinking outside the box. Even when an analytical person would point out there was more risk than reward outside of that box.

"Ok everyone," Coach Maynard said from the front of the bus. "Form an orderly line and I will tell you the events you're competing in this evening as you step out."

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