Chapter 12

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"What the hell do you mean?" Kevin asked, appalled by the statement.

He had just won for Christ's sake.

Her frown deepened at his tone. "You're too obsessed with winning. It's all too apparent in the stiffness in your stride, you don't truly enjoy the moment."

Kevin scowled at her words. No one had ever mentioned stiffness in his form, in fact Coach had complimented him many times on the balance and focus his form portrayed.

Michael came up from behind him. "Listen, Ms. Buddhist, I'm not sure if your eyes are working well but he just won the race by a mile. What's wrong with being obsessed with winning if he reaches that goal? That's the whole point of it all!"

Willow's eyes locked on to Michael, taking in his impressive build with clear distaste. "Whatever. I have a race to prepare for," she said before marching away.

"Dude, that's Willow," Kevin said as she got out of earshot.

Michael's brows rose like a pole vaulter. "That's Willow?" He eyed her retreating figure, recognition sparking his eyes as he scaled up her tiny body to her trademark curly red hair. "I don't approve. My experienced eyes tell me that she's trouble personified."

Kevin took his words with a grain of salt. Had his trouble sensors been reliable, he wouldn't have such an impressive lineup of toxic exes. Instead, he focused on her words. Too obsessed with winning?

Was that even possible? Surely she was just spouting nonsense.


"Hey, great race Kevin!" A voice called, interrupting his pondering.

He turned around to a sight of a smiling Shalissa. She wore the same Eastwood High track gear that he wore with gold streaks through her hair to match the logo.

"Thanks," he replied, trying to sound cool in her presence. "And good luck in yours, it's next right?"

She nodded. "Yep. I've been waiting a long time for a rematch with that Willow girl. She really killed me last time."

"Pfft." Michael sounded, draping a hand around Kevin as he once again butted in. "She just said some woke crap about not running a race to win. I'm sure you'll beat her this time around, Lissa."


Kevin was 110% sure this was the first time Michael had even talked to her and here he was, fearlessly addressing the most popular girl in school by a nickname he made up.

Shalissa chuckled good-naturedly. "Hopefully. Something tells me she'll easily make it to Nationals, so beating her consistently means I will too."

Kevin looked over at Willow warming up on the other side of the area. She wore a grim expression, her boredom evident from the tedious stretching. "Something tells me she'll make it well past Nationals."

They didn't have to wait long for the attendants to come and escort the senior girls to the starting line. Kevin leaned in, watching the lineup intently.

All of the girls seemed appreciative of the generous applause they received except for Willow, who didn't even acknowledge the crowd when her name was called. 

"On your mark!"

All of the girls seemed loose as they obeyed the instruction, the big crowd producing no hitches in the skilled lineup. Kevin whistled softly, admiring the professionalism and poise that each girl displayed as they transitioned to the set call.


The girls shot into action, their arms a blur as they eased into their strides. With them, the crowd reawakened, cheering on the brave fighters. 

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