Part 17

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I stand next to mom as i pack my lunch for school. I always found it so cool how I have Korra's skin and Asami's eyes. Everyone always says how beautiful I am and that makes me blush i'm not the type of person to talk much.

I look out the window as I finish putting my ham sandwich into my backpack. Korra is outside. I pretend to smile when Asami looks at me but as usual she see's.

"Shila whats wrong?"Asami says placing her arm around my shoulder.

*sigh* " why cant an Awesome bender like mom or as awesome as you are in hand to hand combat ma"

"Aw sweetie its okay your the daughter of Korra! Master of all elements remember."

"but ma whats the point of that if I cant even bend a piece of paper"

"your young you probably still haven't learn how to let it out yet sweetie"

"Other kids have and Im 13 I should be able to bend by now"

" Your Almost 13 but your still 12 and you still haven't even gotten your period but I have noticed you getting stomach aces lately and your breast are getting bigger"

I cover my chest.


"What its true? your gonna be 13 in like 2 weeks plus school would be out so we can take you anywhere you want."

"Can we go to the spirit world!?"

"hm i don't know if your mature enough for the spirit world"

I stand up straighter

"I am mature ma"

me and ma both look to are left when we hear a loud bang

Asami runs outside and I follow behind her

"Oh Korra..." ma says while looking the the new hole in the house that happens to be were my room is.

" Um I didnt do it" Mom says brushing off the dust from her clothing

"oh really then who did it babe?"

" Naga and Yuka did it!"

At the sound of her name Yuka came running from the dust and jumped on korra making her fall to the ground as she covered her face in kisses while naga just watches her daughter messing with her master.

" haha thats what you get for lying hun"

Asami turns to me.

"Sorry about the hole in your room Shila I promises it will be fixed by the time you get home"

"Okay ma I got to go now"

"okay bye Shila have a nice day"

Korra finally gets Yuka off of her while Shila starts walking to school. Korra jumps into the air and land right in front of her daughter.

"You forgot to say good bye to me Shila"

"oh i think it was the other way around mom"

"pfft stop being a smartass and give me a hug"

I give Korra a hug then let go and look into her eyes

"Bye mom"

"bye daughter"

I feel Korra slip something into my pocket


"shhh dont tell your mother okay see you when you come back from school"


As I walk down the street I put my hand in my pocket and feel paper. I take it out and see mom has given me money. Asami doesn't like when she does that because she knows what I like to buy. Candy hmm my favorite.

I see kids move past me as they enter the building. School here I come.

Legend of Korra:Korra & Asami's story ( GirlxGirl ) [Being edited] Where stories live. Discover now