And what a hug it was. Really, Enid was perfectly fine with Wednesday's aversion to touch, she only had to reign herself in on occasion because of how physically affectionate she was, but it had entirely slipped her mind when she saw that Wednesday was okay. After everything, after the murders, the hyde, her first shift, their fights, everything was fine and nothing cemented that more in her mind than the fresh memory of their hug. Despite it all, when Wednesday wrapped her arms around Enid, the wolf knew everything was going to be okay.

She was pulled out of her hazy reverie as Wednesday returned, this time with what looked to be a damp towel she must have brought from the washrooms. "What's that?" Enid asked as Wednesday approached her, "where's Thing?"

"Thing is making another parameter check to make sure there's nothing else lurking in the woods." Wednesday replied flatly as she slowly kneeled in front of Enid.

Enid's eyes widened, some of that sleepiness suddenly whisked away, "oh," she said, rather astutely.

"This is a fresh and damp towel," Wednesday answered as she hesitantly showed it to Enid, almost as if it meant more than just a wet towel.

"Oh," Enid wasn't much for words, especially not with Wednesday so close.

Wednesday let out a reticent sigh, "it's to clean off some of the blood."

Enid's eyebrows twitched with curiosity, "what for?"

Wednesday gripped the towel, "tell anyone about this and they'll find your head on a pike by the morning."

Enid's eyes widened, but she felt her cheeks burn, "o-okay? I still don't know what you're talking about."

Wednesday took a deep breath, "show me your arm." Enid listened and lifted her bloodied arm, Wednesday rolled back her pink and bloodied sleeve before gently wiping the blood from the wound. The towel was warm against Enid's skin, it stung a little but was altogether relieving.

Her heart nearly leapt out of her chest as she watched Wednesday get closer and slowly lower her head down to Enid's arm. Enid watched, dumbfounded, as Wednesday placed a feather light kiss on her skin, over the wound. Despite the towel, some of Enid's blood still found its way onto Wednesday's lips, their eyes meeting for a brief second before she brought the towel to her mouth and wiped it off.

"I- I- uh-" Enid stammered, her mind raddled with exhaustion and her stomach filled with butterflies, "what?" She whispered.

Wednesday focused her attention on the wound she had kissed, over the span of a few seconds the wound closed, much faster than Enid's Lycan healing could manage, and much faster than she'd seen any wound heal.

"What?" Enid repeated herself, the pain in her forearm suddenly gone.

Wednesday then rolled Enid's sleeve up higher, revealing another slash just below her shoulder. Wednesday slowly wiped it with the towel before placing another, more confident kiss on the wound. Just as before the claw mark healed within seconds, leaving only smeared blood behind.

"I have inherited Caladrius blood in my veins," Wednesday elaborated as she moved to Enid's other injuries.

"Cal-what now?" Enid's mind was fuzzy, and it only got fuzzier as she watched Wednesday kneel lower.

"Caladrius," Wednesday corrected as she gently lifted Enid's injured leg, carefully wiping the blood away from the deep wound across her calf, "like a Phoenix, but not nearly as terrific. Where a Phoenix dies in a burst of flame and is reborn from the ash, a Caladrius would absorb the pain of others, heal their wounds. They were greatly sought after."

Enid swallowed the lump in her throat as she watched Wednesday lower her head and place another kiss onto her leg. "Oh," was all she could muster, realizing all too suddenly that the only article of clothing she was wearing was just her pink jacket.

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