"Does it matter if he has an alternative reason for it? You hate working here, I hate having this place, you will only quit a second job if you have the money and that- that's way above what you could be earning at any second job. You need to take it."

"Yes, it matters. I feel like I'm pimping myself out if that's why he's doing it. I've known the guy a month. I don't even fully trust him but my brain just has this stupid weak spot for him and you know how I feel about weak spots Dean. It's stupid. If he was offering me this without the intimate side then yeah, alright. 70 is excessive but I'd take it because it would put me in such a good position. I'd have more time to do whatever, I'd have a good amount of savings, I'd be safer there, I wouldn't have all the shit from the guys here, I'd have a normal sleeping routine. It makes sense. I know, in my head that taking it, the pay rise and his demand to quit here, it's the best option. I know that's what I need to do but it just- it feels wrong." My head was shaking as I rambled, stopping when the door at the other end of the bar opened and I turned my head to face it. "Shit."


"Lord Douche."

"THAT-" I turned and stared at him as he smirked, looking back to me. "Oh, I get it. I'd rail him if he was my boss too."

"DEAN." I laughed, standing up from the stool. "Keep your mouth shut or I'll make your life a living hell."

"You already do."

"Ha- ha." Alex sat down in the spot he said he'd been in on Saturday, seemingly swallowing the booth with his vast size. I felt less confident here. I don't know why. Being in the pub made me feel very insecure and wary. It wasn't like at the office where I had some sense of security that I knew who was coming in and out. Here I didn't know who was around, apart from the few low life regulars. I think Alex could tell, the way he sat up a little, craning his neck to see who was in, like a bodyguard sizing up the threats against me. That alone seemed to settle me bizarrely. "Hey."

"You didn't tell me when you were working." I shrugged.

"Want a drink? If you ask nicely I think Dean might buy it for you." I looked back at Dean who was stood as close as he could in the bar, pretending to act very busy but he was 100% trying to listen in. I looked back to Alex who raised an eyebrow. "His husband might kill him though." Alex nodded once, a breath of a smile on his lips. "You don't have to be here."

"I told you, if you're here, I'm here." I sighed, imagining myself waving a white flag of surrender to him being here. I knew to pick my battles, and this wasn't one that was worth it. Especially when him being here made me feel like I had a second pair of eyes looking out for trouble.

"Did you drive here?"

"No, I flew." I rolled my eyes.

"Alright funny man. You're not drinking if you drove. You've got meetings in the morning and I'd rather not be telling them you're in hospital in a coma." I turned around before he could say anything back. "Just do him a coke Dean." Dean was smirking at me, leaning to grab a glass before very slowly filling it up.

"He really is a 6-foot 8 god."

"You thought I was lying?"

"Exaggerating a little. You don't lie."

"I lie a little." I smirked as we talked quietly, making sure Alex wouldn't hear us. "He's pissed with me."


"I did something at work today and ignored him. That's the most I've spoken to him all day."

"What did you do?" I took the coke from the bar, smiling innocently as I stood up, pushing my tongue into my cheek until Dean's eyes went wide. "Penny, you little minx." I laughed at Dean, turning around, and walking the drink to Alex.

"What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing in particular."

"Then why'd he call you a minx?"

"If you're going to be here, you can sit quietly and not ask any questions."


"No." I shook my head, smiling at him. "I haven't decided yet."

"Is that why you skipped our lunch appointment this afternoon?"


"Then why did you?" He'd moved himself a little closer as he lowered his voice. "I had something very important to talk to you about."

"That's exactly why I had other people to see." I stood up, keeping my eyes locked on his, heat rushing to my cheeks as it always did in Alex's presence. Stupid fucking weak spot. This would be so much easier to do if he wasn't the embodiment of my perfect man. "It's quiet. Probably won't be any trouble tonight and we'll close about midnight. Shout if you need anything, I've got a job to do, can't be sat here all night." 

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