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June 1st, 2154. Site 26

Tsu'tey hadn't slept well that night, his mind was busy with Mo'ats words. Just how badly did he want this alien girl to be the good and honest person she claims to be? How badly did he want a reason to get closer to her? Was he really willing to expose himself in hopes that she would do the same and finally convince himself of her heart?

"Tsu'tey, are we gonna see you tonight at late fire for stories with the elders?" Atan, a hunter that finished his training under him last summer called him as he made his way to him.

"Atan, when have I ever missed one?" Tsu'tey asked, bewildered.

"Great! Then I have a request from myself and a couple of others...Do not get mad, please" Atan said softly, looking at his feet. Tsu'tey just gave him a blank look and motioned with his hand to go ahead.

"Can the dreamwalker Arabella join us?" Atan said quickly, brazing for his response. Everyone in the clan knows how hostile their future Olo'eytukan was towards the sky people.

"Of course, I was actually on my way to ask her myself to join... Atan, why would I be mad about such a reasonable request." he was genuinely confused, was he unapproachable?

"Oh, it's just that we are all very aware of your... opinion about dreamwalkers... but if you were already going to invite her then that's perfect... I'll tell everybody I'm sure many are going to want to hear her war stories" Atan then skipped off like a child with sweets.

Tsu'tey then turned to search for her in the forest, since he first took her to the cave of whispers she has been spending a lot of time by the waterfalls, when he asked she just called it meditating. Apparently the loud sound of water helps clear her mind, he didn't really understand at first, but like with everything with Arabella he decided to watch and learn. So he approached her from the side and called her name, she turned to look at him and gave him a big smile before turning and jumping off the side onto the water below. This was not uncommon with her, something about a certain rush she got when jumping, he didn't question it and jumped right behind her.

After a few seconds he broke through the water and looked around her, just to watch her get out of the water. After this first month among the na'vi, Ella had made a new set of clothes with the help of Ninat, it now consisted of several delicately beaded braids with some feather hanging from it. Now those beaded looked like shining teardrops, such delicacies along with the almost perfecto body of a warrior like hers, any na'vi with blood in their veins would fall to their knees at such a sight... or in Tsu'tey's case crash onto a rock in the river before snapping out of it.

As Arabella waited for her teacher to join her she remembered the first time he jumped after her the day after visiting the cave. He looked absolutely gobsmacked when he reached her in the river and she was laughing like a rabid baboon and he soon joined. Jumping down this waterfall had become a sort of unspoken game; you jump, I jump. The thought of that first time left her mind when he pulled himself out of the water, everytime he did that her mind would play the same song from a perfume commercial her mother loved to watch. He might be engaged, but you can't blame a girl for lusting after such a fine man.

"Today you will spend the day with Nema as per your request to learn about the kitchens, and then you will join us for late fire to trade war stories with the elders" he said as a matter of fact.

"Oh what an honor to be invited, thank you. However, I if you are all awaiting to hear some war stories from me then don't hold your breath" she replied not looking at him

"Why? Do you not feel comfortable enough with the clan?" he inched closer to her

"It's not that, it's just that... " her throat closed a bit at the thought in her mind.

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