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Waking up from the link is proving to be particularly hard for Arabella after a full day of driving the Avatar, and so much had happened her mind was still trying to understand everything. When the link tube opened it felt like her eyes were burning under the sun, it was Norm that handed her her glasses. Besides her she heard Grace hovering over Jake.

"Are the avatars safe?" she asked, worry evident in her tone

"Yeah, Doc... and you are not going to believe where we left them" Jake answered ginning

Arabella got up and with short but steady steps met Jake with a hard stare.

"You stupid bloke, what a massive fuck up, I mean, absolutetly monumental and its only your second day here, for fucks sake!" she screamed furious at the soldier

"Are you kidding me? This is a perfect opportunity. Isn't this what you all wanted? A way to better the relationship with the natives? I just gave you that opportunity" Jake responded annoyed

"For Grace and one of her scientists to better the relationship, not us! You know close to nothing about the environment and the clan, you can easily offend them and fuck everything up further"

"Hey! I can learn! And I may not be a scientist but the Omaticaya are also the reason I am here"

"Is that truly why you are here, marine?" Ella looks straight into his eyes looking for his desiet

"Yes" Jake lied

Grace grabbed Arabella by the shoulders and gently guided her away from Jake "Why don't we all get some sleep after we finish the videologs, hmm? It's been a very long day for everyone"

Ella signals for Max and Claire to follow her outside, "I don't trust that guy, I will keep an eye on him out there but I need you to follow him when we are at base... If at any point you suspect he is working with Quaritch you tell Grace and move us to the Hallelujah Mountains"


Lieutenant Osborn was in a horrid mood during breakfast, with Grace retelling yesterday's incident as a fun exciting story instead of the disaster that it really was. So she opted for eating her food quickly and made way for the Link Room.

"Ella, where are you going? Village life starts early but not this early" Grace asked

"Tsu'tey said that warriors are up at first light" she quickly replied and left, Claire and Max hot on her heels

Just before initiating the link Arabella turns to Claire "Don't melt my brain" she said with all seriousness and closed the lid before her friend had any chance to respond. Waking up in the weird hammock-like bed in the lower levels of Hometree was glorious. Last night she didn't really pay attention to the bed she was given but right now all she wants to do is stay there. She opened the top and carefully and as silently as possible climbed out to be met with Tsu'tey. He signals for her to follow him back up the trunk but he stops rather abruptly and makes a sharp left to a large room filled with weapons.

Not sure of what to do while the warriors armed themselves she just stood at a respectful distance and sure enough after a few seconds one of the warriors approached her tentatively with a smile.

"Tsu'tey said you don't get a weapon yet, you have to first make your knife" the girl spoke in sloopy english

"I understand. And I speak perfect Na'vi, please talk comfortably with me" Arabella replied with a soft smile.

The girl beamed "My name is Ninat, and I already know who you are, Arabella"

They followed the group up a different route of the trunk she hadn't seen and exited the tree from behind the main entrance, closer to the training grounds. Tsu'tey was stoic the whole time, looking forward and barking orders to his men, the whole scene felt so familiar to Arabella and she doesn't like it, not one bit.

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