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After the link, Arabella had to get up from bed for a second time that day, and is more than pleased to see the jean shorts from yesterday replaced by the microfiber sportswear jumpsuit she commissioned back on Earth for her Avatar. The breathable material sticks to her like a second skin and makes complex movements all the easier, leaving her feet bare, attaching her knife straps, and grabbing her backpack with weights to simulate her gear she set out. As she was approaching the first obstacle her mind wandered to simpler days with her friends in basic training.


Basic Training camp, 2140, three months into basic training

"Come on Teacup hurry your pretty little arse up. You have to beat Queenie today. I bet Bubba 10 pounds for it" Eddie says as he walks ahead of her.

"Stop talking about my arse Speedy" Ella called back to him

"Oh, believe me when I tell you we talk of little else in the barracks Teacup" he grinned and took off in a run to the training course.

"You cheeky little bastard. Get back here!" she yells and takes off after him.

She indeed bestes Lilibeth's time in the course "Queenie, will you help me murder Eddie and Bubba" her good friends turns with a wicked grin "Of course girly, Sebastian that git keeps looking at my boobs" and off they went, laughter, smiles and good friends in simpler times.


Running, jumping, climbing, all was easily coming back to her as muscle memory only she could go so much higher in this body. After accomplishing the training course she set out to do several other resistance exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, rope jumping and some weights.

"Ella, this course is to help you acclimate to the Avatar not to repeat your basic training" Grace called behind her as she was finishing another set of pull-ups.

"You want your scientists safe out there, let me do what I know best. Besides Max and Claire's lab talk bores me, I prefer to be out here" she says

"Good point, you need to be sharper than ever. Our relationship with the Omaticaya hangs on a very thin rope" Grace says with a long breath of exhaustion

"Whatever for? Last I heard when I went into cryo in 2145 everything was going according to schedule" Arabella asks as she moves to finish her set with push-ups

"Right, you've only been here three days... The RDA bombed and destroyed Willow Island, a few kilometers west of Hometree" Grace says

She stops completely, body rigid as she comes back up to look Grace in the eyes "Blimey... Casualties?" she asks

"None, thank Eywa. But they are well angry with us, especially the next Tsahik, Sylwanin, she used very colorful language the last time I saw her" Grace says with a far off look

"I overheard some mercs talking about a school. I don't fully grasp the situation yet but I am going there with you" Arabella states as she starts gathering her stuff

"I don't need protection, you are here for my scientists. Besides, what could possibly happen in a school?" Grace says as if it were a joke.

A chill goes down her spine, remembering what they did in Brazil "Without you there is no bloody program, so you are the first to protect... And don't be a fool doc, anything can fucking happen in a school" she leaves Grace to her thoughts

Getting out of the link she first sees Claire with her tables "Everything alright with you?"

"Pardon'" Arabella asks

"Just a few minutes ago, your hippocampus, amygdala, and medial prefrontal cortex lit up. Now those are the regions most attributed to be affected by PTSD, which you have. So is everything alright?" Claire asks with a serious look, not letting Arabella get of the link unit.

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