The School

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Dr. Augustine's classes were just as tsu'tey remembered the, pure chaos. The children were laughing with her and lifting their little arms all wanting to answer her question. It reminded him of the good in Dreamwalkers, all they ever want to do is tal, the rest of the Sky People are the problem. Just a few moons ago they destroyed Willow Island, nothing was left after the big ball of fire engulfed it all. Tsu'tey very clearly remembers the look of horror and pain in Mo'at face and how his future wife, Sylwanin, promised revenge.

He has spent every day reminding her of the dangers of retaliating alone and to wait for Eytukan to give them an order as he understands the spirit of the people, she just wouldn't listen to him. No one has seen her or Yorek since the late fire last night, he is worried for the one he loves but has to focus on the children right now. He and Neytiri were asked to watch over them, as Eytukan is uneasy about the Sky People's behavior more. However, there is a new Dreamwalker joining Grace in class today, she heard her calling her Ella and is also here to protect the children. She wears a strange black cloth all over her legs and torso, and is carrying one of those death guns in her back. Not trusting this newcomer he has been watching her every few minutes and she is either looking firmly at the door or back at the children... and with such a warm smile too.

Halfway through the class Arabella finally decides to lock eyes on the Na'vi man that has been staring at her since the beginning. Their eyes meet, neither wants to look away as if a silent challenge was going on between them, his ears twitched as her breathing changed, her eyes wandered down his body and back up. Grace's talk on conjunctions lost at the back of their heads, they heard a new tune, one of wind and flowers around them. Tsu'tey knew it was Eywa trying to say something, while to Arabella it just served as white noise to calm her mind... his eyes are really something... SNAP

A tree branch cracked just outside followed by a drop, Arabella sprung into action signaling Grace to keep quiet, she also gathers the children closer to her and Neytiri stands in the way of the door while Tsu'tey walks behind Ella. As she opens the door gun at the ready, she sees an agitated Na'vi woman in tears.

"Sylwanin!" Tsu'tey exclaims and runs to grab her, she is frantic "Karyu! Teacher I'm sorry, please help us. Yorek and I set fire to one of the yellow giants near the water and now they are coming for us. Grace, please!"

As Tsu'tey turned her body away from the door and comforted the woman, Ella made way down the stairs to see over the now dead body of another na'vi man, this wound is from an M50. Just then Arabella heard the distinct click of a gun's safety and turned to the steps "DOWN!!!" The hiss of a bullet came right past her ear and into Sylwanin's head.

Before her body hits the ground she dives for Tsu'tey and tackles him to the ground and pulls him behind the bookshelf, now rapid fire pierces the small school walls. "Grace! Stay down!" As she pulls herself off of him she sees Grace putting her body right between the windows and the children. We need to get them out!

She turns to Tsu'tey and grabs his "I am going to distract them, get all the children out the window and into the forest, climb and don't look back" When he didn't respond she switched to na'vi "Take the children to the forest and climb! Now!"

As soon as she stands to fire back, he leaps for the kids and Neytiri goes out the window. One by one they jump out and into the forest, she moves to the door and recharges her M60 and sees Tsu'tey jump out from the corner of her eye, good they are out. Stopping to analyze the scene, she hears a recharge coming from above and aims for the branches left to the door... no specific target in mind, she opens fire all over the branch... a merc falls unceremoniously to the ground with a loud thud. Arabella slowly exits the building and scouts for other shooters, and senses no more but the ones already dead on the floor, their radio still on she could hear a call "Smith, come in. Smith? Did you hunt down the savages who set fire to the bulldozer? Smith, answer me"

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