Not a chapter

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Hello there dollies. First and foremost, thank you so very much to all of you beautiful people that have so far read my story. I do apologize for the lack of updates, this semester in university was brutal. I am back but still can't and won't make any promises on frequent updates, sometimes I can see the whole story in my head it just doesn't reach my fingers.

Besides thanking you all for your support and lovely comments I wanted to tell you that yesterday I had the joy of watching "Avatar: The Way of Water" in the cinema and I am truly the happiest I've been in the past six months. This has been my favorite movie since I first watched it in 2009 and this is like the third story I've cooked up in my mind about my self insert in the story.

Arabella's journey for the first movie is well planned out, and I cannot tell you how excited I am for you to read it and in time my take on this cinematic masterpiece. I just wanted to rant a little and encourage you all to take a break from reality outside the marvelous pages of fanfiction and go watch that movie, take your friends as I did and enjoy them falling in love with a movie they didn't even want to see.

See you soon with a new chapter in Lieutenant Arabella Osborn's final mission.

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