Site 26

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"Lieutenant Osborn, you and your platoon are going to be relocated to the war effort in Germany. You leave tomorrow at 0800." General Perkins said, not even bothering to look up from his documents, she shifted on her feet before responding, "Sir, with all due respect. My platoon is not ready to re-engage in combat, I request a week long leave for them to recover"

General Perkins looked up from his documents and the look in his eyes almost made her fall back, it was the same void expression of regret and tiredness that Jaimie had before he died. "Lieutenant, I understand, believe me. You are not the first officer to ask for a leave, but I have orders from London... You leave tomorrow at 0800 hours." Disappointed, she straightened her back and saluted, "Sir, yes Sir."

*BOOM* The sound coming from the bombs was defeaning, and it was all they had heard the last three hours "They are really destroying everything up there" said Sebastian as he hugged his rifle closer to his body.

Eddie laughed and answered "Yeah Bubba. I reckon with all that dust it is just as dark up there as it is down here" but his laugh was different, fake, it didn't make his ears move like before.

"Alright, back to work. Harriete and Bobby go back 15 meters and check for cracks in the tunnel. Brock, go with them and check the wires, I really don't want to be here without our little lights" Arabella ordered three of her underlings. "Yes sir" a few paces later they disappeared in the tunnels.

*BANG* *BANG* "Shots fired! Backpack!" she screamed, they all took the one closest and put their backs together, "Terminate the enemy stick together. Speedy, you and me are gonna go look for Harriete, Bobby, and Brock" It didn't take long to find Harriete and Bobby's bodies on the ground, a single bullet through their heads... *SNIF* Arabella turned to see a german soldier, gods he couldn't have been older then 15 holding a knife against Brock's throat

"Filthy Brits. What more do you want from us?!" the boy was shaking, he was scared "Lieutenant tell my husband that I-" he slit his throat and before she could fire the soldier pulled the cord and a bomb in his chest went off.


She was falling into an abyss, there are no colors and the only sound is a horrible high pitched scream of death "Arabella! Wake up!" She jolted awake and the sudden movements almost made her fall from her hammock in Hometree

She must have fallen back to sleep after initiating the link, and had a shit nightmare. After the world around her came into focus she met Tsu'tey intensely worried stear. She also just registered that he was on top of her in the hammock, legs around her thighs and firm hands holding her waist and neck. Tsu'tey also started to come to the realization of the overall, compromising position they found themselves in, he didn't really think twice to jump on top of Ella when he heard her small cries as she slept.

Quickly he jumped off and back to the branch, extending a helping hand to her as they joined the other warriors in the armory and then the field. Ever since Tsu'tey had taught her how to truly hear and see the wind and movement of the forest she quickly became a great shot in land and on top of the pa'li. As she mounted her very first six legged horse yesterday it felt incredibly natural to her, the amazing connection from the tsaheylu filled her with a new type of love for all living around her.

Ninat, and the other hunters seemed pleased enough with her rapid learning that a nice friendship started forming between them, but Tsu'tey kept his distance. After a full day of learning to follow the tracks and leaning the signs for marked territory they went back to Hometree for supper. From across the fire Ella could see Jake and Neytiri talking closely, he kept glancing at the pillars surrounding the center staircase, and something in his eyes just didn't sit right with her.

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