"That sounds good. In theory," he spat at me. "But when you go out there, you may not get your hands on your medication for weeks, and then what?"

"It will take months, maybe even years, before my hormonal balance goes back to normal after dropping my medication completely," I explained calmly. "That has already been tested with me. The documents are in the file."

"Very well, let's say that's not an issue. But you are capable of becoming pregnant, yes?" he asked, the tone in his voice promising nothing good.

"Yes, but I'm not here to have sex. However, I am on birth control because they amplify the effects of my suppressants," I explained, but the commander had started laughing halfway through.

"Not here to have sex..." he repeated in amusement and leaned against his desk. "I'm going to tell you this not because I'm trying to intimidate you, but because it is the cold, harsh truth. If you get captured, you will get raped. Even my Alphas aren't safe from it. The enemies we fight against have lost their humanity and will do whatever they can to humiliate our soldiers. So. Let me rephrase my question: is it possible you could get pregnant by a murdering terrorist?"

I took a short breath. "I am on birth control."

"And do you have complete trust in your birth control?"

I hated the fact that I did not. "No, sir. There is a small chance for it to fail."

"And that is if you can take them every single day," the commander said. "If you're held captive for months, I doubt the enemy will be courteous enough to buy you more pills."

My captain glanced at me. I saw worry in his eyes, and I knew he was already changing his mind about recommending me.

"If I were to be held captive for months, I doubt pregnancy will be on my list of biggest concerns," I said. "I trust my birth control enough."

The commander raised his eyebrows at me. "But that is not enough for me," he said harshly. "This is not a special club for special kids, private. This is our country's finest unit, and it costs our taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars each day. Feeding you, clothing you, arming you, and especially training you will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. And you're telling me to take the risk with you only for you to get knocked up in the hands of our enemy?"

I stayed silent. He did have a fair point, no matter how much I hated to admit it. I'd never actually thought he would take me into his unit. He had never accepted an omega before, so I never believed I'd be an exception.

"Why would you even want to be transferred into my unit?" he asked. "Your life will be a living hell among my alphas. No one will take you seriously, no matter how strong and smart you are."

He would never understand that what he just said was exactly the reason I wanted in his unit. Because no one ever took me seriously, no matter how hard I worked, no matter how far I'd come. Reaching this far was an accomplishment on its own as an omega, but no one would see it as such. They saw this as a failure.

And it fucking angered me that the reason I'd get turned down was because I had a womb. Not because I wasn't skilled enough, strong enough, fast enough, or accomplished enough. But because I could make babies.

"I'm good at what I do, sir. If you'd read my file, you'd understand my place is here, in your unit. I have sacrificed a lot and endured even more to get this far. If my womb is the only obstacle, I'm sure I can do something about it," I said, trying not to let my anger show too much in my voice.

The commander raised his eyebrow, glanced at my file, then at me.

"You don't belong here, omega," he said slowly. "We don't need bitches in heat to ruin our prestigious unit."

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