Meeting with The general Duke

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Cassius arrived at a two story house that was close by the forest. He dismounts from his white stallion before spotting a small green dragon by a fountain and it was chewing on a tree branch.

"Ah, Loki, would you mind letting Eva know that I'm here?" asked Cassius.

The tiny Terrible Terror looked up before letting out a small screech and took off to an open window. The King chuckles a bit before hearing the front door open.

A woman with flaming red hair and green-forest eyes came out. She was wearing a blue long dress off shoulder with long sleeves, a brown vest over it.

"Yes? Who – Oh! Cassius! What a surprise visit! Please come in."

"Don't mind if I do Eva," said Cassius. He entered the house and followed the redhead woman to the living room

Eva walked over to a table and sat down and pour some tea. She then turned her head over to him, "So why the visit in such late hour? Shouldn't you be having supper with Iris and Althea?"

"Yes, I normally would but I need to talk to you and Victor about something rather important," replied Cassius as he took a seat at the table as well.

Eva stopped at the mid of sipping her tea and looked at him. She could see the seriousness on the king's face, "I see. Well Victor should be coming home soon. He told me he would be coming late because he was going to train a few new recruits that signed up a few days ago."

"Ah yes," said Cassius, happily. "Young teens are coming to the Training Grounds every day. Not too long ago, Victor told me that a young boy around six years old wanted to become a soldier in order to protect his dear little sister and Mother."

Eva smiled, softly, "Oh that's so sweet."

Suddenly they heard a loud slam came from the main door with a voice of a male.

"Eva! Must you give Storm his treats before work?!"

The redhead giggled, "Don't tell me that he is at it again?"

"YES! And right in front of – where are you?"

"At the living room and please do keep your voice down, we have a guest,"Eva replied.

A man with brown-reddish hair that was held up and blue eyes walked into the room. He was wearing a white silk tunic with a black vest with gold trimmings and buttons, black pants, brown belt with a sword on his left side.

"A guest? Who – Cassius! What are you doing here? Did your wife kick you out or something?"

"Still quite a joker," murmured Cassius before clearing his throat. "I came here for an important business to discuss with you and your wife."

"Politics or war?" asked Victor as he sat across by his friend. "Or is it another alliance?"

"None of those, my friend," replied Cassius. He sighs, "It's more of a...fostering a mistreated child to his full potential."

Victor and Eva both had a shock look on their faces.

"W-What do you mean, Cassius?" Eva asked.

"I believe I have found you a child for you to adopt," Cassius replied softly. He started explaining his friends about Hiccup's history.

"That poor boy," murmured Eva, sadly. She smiled, softly, "But yet he still has a pure heart."

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