Meeting with someone

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Hours passed and night falls upon the two travelers. Toothless decided to land somewhere so the two of them can sleep for the night . The night fury spotted an island not too far from them and went down there. After checking to make sure nobody was around, Hiccup jumped off from his best friend before taking out the basket and Toothless' makeshift tail fin. He placed them onto the ground before taking out a blanket from the basket and lied down by toothless' side. The small viking immediately fell asleep but the dragon took sometime fell asleep. It was the best sleep they ever gotten for a long time.

The two didn't woke up until late afternoon and had a late breakfast. Hiccup fished about an hour to get a few amounts of fish for both him and toothless. Once they were done, Hiccup walked over the water's edge and took out his notebook while Toothless was running around the water. The small viking had a small smile on his face before looking down at his notebook to see a few drawings of new inventions that he was working on. 

He sighs before going through his basket and took out a worn out map which Gobber gave him when he was young and he said that it once belonged to my mother. The old map show many other islands that he didn't even knew about. I mean he wasn't even allowed to any festival or outside the home.

He thought beyond the fog around Berk, there was nothing but his mother once told him that beyond the fog , There are many places which his own father didn't even knew about. And this old map proofed him about his mother's word. And in that map there were many islands which has strange names he rarely heard of . he even heard that in some of those islands their culture were very different from the vikings as well as clothing and language.

He heard from his mom about one island which he can see in the map. The island was Aldmoor where the royal family lives and their tradition is very advanced than the viking tradition. But the vikings have no connection between them. I think they hate the viking's barbaric teaching way and how to kill dragons at a young age.

He sighs before putting his notebook away and got up. "Toothless, let's get going bud. It's going to take us at least two days to reach the west side of Aldmoor." 

The night fury turned his head before giving out a toothless smile and ran over to him. Hiccup laughed before placing the makeshift tail fin back in place and strapped the basket onto toothless' left side. Just as he was about to mount up onto the night fury , there was some movement coming from the bushes. Hiccup frown a bit before looking over to his best friend. 

"Any idea of what could it be, Bud?" Hiccup whispered.

Toothless snorted before wrapping his tail around Hiccup and gave out a warning screech.  The young viking was sightly surprise of the night fury's action but shook it off when the bushes started to move once again. Unconsciously Hiccup grabs a hold onto Toothless' cable and slightly stepped back a bit. Thats when he noticed a dragon but not just any type of dragon...

It was a night fury but white just like the night moon...

Hiccup widen his eyes," A-Another Fury..- but but how?"

Toothless titled his head before walking over to the mysterious Fury dragon. It was slightly smaller, the wings were slightly wider and the tail was much thinner than Toothless. 

"can it... is it another type of species of night fury?" Hiccup murmured. But his thought was interrupted by a female shout.

"Shade! Shade, where are you girl? Come on, It's time to head back home!!

Hiccup turned his head to see a beautiful girl about his age with Blonde hair which reaches her back and has baby blue eyes. her clothes were so different that he never saw them before(the pic above is what she was wearing) . She was wearing a head set which has a purple ruby planted in the middle.

She is beautiful... maybe more than Astrid..... 

"Oh hello, sorry if Shade disturbed you and your- your-  Another fury?! No way! what type of species is it? Where did you find him or her?"

The young viking had his mouth open just a slight before shaking his head and snapped out of his daze state.

"No - no It's alright and she wasn't disturbing us at all," replied Hiccup before placing his hand over his best friend's head. " This is toothless and he is a male night fury. Judging by your dragon's name, it must be a female. But what kind of specie is she?".

"yeah, That's right !! she is a female and what we call her species are light fury. Oh forgive me for my rudeness. My name is Althea."

"No, It's fine and nice to meet you Althea. My name is Hiccup."

Althea tilted her head,"Hiccup? that's an odd name, don't you think ?"

"Y-Yea but it's sort of a tradition in my tribe to name the runt or small in the family well ...Hiccup and.... yeah i was born pretty small," explained the young viking.

"Tribe? oh so you must be a viking then," said Althea before looking at Hiccup."I thought vikings are supposed to be well. bigger and buff."

Hiccup sighed sadly,"yea, I know . I'm a complete opposite of what a real viking supposed to look like ... along with the strength and all."

"i'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be rude," Althea apologized. "But um.. where did you come from? I mean what island ?" 

"Berk," Hiccup murmured before looking down. " Well I used to live there.'

Althea frowned a little, " What do you mean by used to?"

"It's sort of a long story," Hiccup softly replied.

"I have time," Althea said before taking a seat at a near by rock."Why don't you start from that beginning?"

"...Alright. Let me fully introduce myself. My name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock, Berk Chief's son, Stoick the vast."

It took about an hour for Hiccup to tell Althea about his life in Berk. His troubles, what he had had to endure, the neglect from his tribe and his own father's silent treatment, His mother's death, meeting toothless for the first time, making a new tail fin for the night fury to fly again and the honor of killing a dragon. 

"After seeing myself in toothless, I know that i can't kill a dragon," Hiccup finished before placing his head over his knees. " Not now, not ever so ... I did the most cowardly thing that a viking could do ..... I ran away."

"I don't think you are a coward," Althea said softly. " What you had to endure and the suffering you encountered, it should have made someone mentally unstable. You on the other hand, you stood firm and didn't let the darkness take over. I say that you are the strongest person i have ever met."

"Me? .... Strong?" Hiccup murmured before looking down at his hands."I-I have never thought of it that way.. but then again, my father only thinks about strength and nothing else for no reason."

"And thats why Aldmoor don't like vikings," Althea said with a slight pout. She placed her hands on her hips," There are different ways of showing your strength." 

'True strength.' Hiccup thought before biting his lower lip. "So what's your story? How did meet shade and why are you out here alone?"

Althea froze up before rubbing her head, sheepishly. " I'll tell you but if only you .. don't freak out when i tell ya, deal?"

Hiccup nodded his head, slowly.

"Alright, like you, Let me introduced myself fully... and properly. Greeting, I am Princess Althea Avery Elizabeth Windsor, The daughter of king Cassius and queen Iris." 





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