Get to know the princess and the dragon raid

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Hiccup blinked for a moment before falling off from the rock. " P-Princess?! You're the princess?!"

"hey, you promised that you wouldn't freak out," Althea said as she pouted and crossed her arms before letting out a small giggle. "Though it was sort of funny to see you reacting like that tho."

Hiccup stared, blankly before shaking off his shock and retook his seat. "S-Sorry, it's not everyday I get to meet someone from the royal family. I mean I have met other heir's in different islands around Berk but never a princess."

"That's alright," althea said softly. " Now let me tell yea how I met Shade or rather... she found us."

It took about another for Althea to explain her meeting with her Light fury partner and the reason why she was out her by herself with out any guards.

"To think that a family of light furies entrusted your family to take care of their offspring is something which is out of the world." Hiccup murmured as the two watched their dragons play around at the water. "You...think something has happened to them?"

Althea shrugs her shoulders, " I have no idea but ever since that day, Shade has never left my side. My father decided to make Shade my protector which is why she wears that midnight pendent around her neck. It informs the people of the Aldmoor that she is my partner and to leave her alone."

"Amazing," Hiccup said as he tilted his head he asked,"Did you know that shade was a light fury".

Althea shook her," No, My father's best friend who is the General Duke of Aldmoor's Army informed us about what type of species of dragon she was . He knows a bit of them because he has his own dragon partner as well."

Hiccup smiled, happy to know that there are other people who have dragon's as their partner. He then frown a bit and asked," So what are you going to do about your suitor problem?"

Althea made an irritated face and said," I have no idea, so far the chosen princes, Lords and Dukes i have met were either ill- mannered or arrogant".

"You're in a rough spot." Hiccup said as he tapped his chin. "An arrange marriage? You wouldn't find true happiness and not to mention to find out that you have nothing in common with your fiancé."

"I was thinking the same thing," Althea murmured before forming a small smile. " My parent's had an arrange marriage as well. They were lucky to have fallen in love during their time when they were younger before the engagement".

"Same thing with my parents as well," hiccup murmured. " My mom told me some stories about how they met before her engagement to my dad though it didn't matter to them since they fell in love with each other beforehand."

Althea smiled before tilting her head, "So what are you going to do ? Where do you plan on staying since you can't go on without a place to stay?"

"I was hoping to find a town or village around Aldmoor and get a job as an assistant blacksmith", Hiccup replied as he rubbed the back of his head.

"A blacksmith?" Althea said with a surprised face. "You can make weapons?"

Hiccup nodded and said,"I was able to make swords, axes and other weapons since i was little... well littler. Gobber showed me the ropes before I started making my own inventions."

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