My freedom

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Hiccup looked around making sure that no one was following him to the hidden cove where his one and only friend was waiting for him . The small viking was mostly watching to see if Astrid or the other teens was around.

Not seeing Astrid in the usual training sight, He quickly dashed over to the small entrance that leads to the hidden cove and carefully climbed down to his now a day hanging spot. 

as he stepped in , he placed his basket of necessary items that he would need in order to leave and never coming back again.

Yes.. Leaving...

Hiccup sighs before lying himself by the large rock while thinking about what happened in the past few months.

During one of their usual dragon raids , he was able to shot down the famous Night Fury at the Raven point with one of his invention. But when he told everyone even his own father about it , thinking that now they would accept him..

No one believed him..

Not even his own father..

The next day he went out to proof that he actually shot the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself Night Fury to his father and rest of the vikings ..

Even tho it took him few hours to find the spot, he was able to find the injured Night Fury or rather came across the damaged pathway that leads to the dangerous dragon.

When hiccup tried to killed it while being scared , he looked at the dragon's eyes and saw something which he never thought about . He saw the same paralized and scared emotion which he experienced while getting bullied by Snotlout and the twins. 

He saw himself in his eyes...

So he did what no other vikings ever done .. he let go of the night fury by cutting the ropes which was tied around it. After releasing it, The night fury leaped on top of him. He thought that he was done for . But rather than killing him , the night fury just roared on his face and wobbly left him .

He then went home to see his father by the fireplace waiting for him. He tried to tell him that he couldn't kill a dragon. He tried to explain but his stubborn father told him to attend the Dragon killing academy with the other teens. Hiccup knew that he couldn't do anything since he was a little scared of his dad. So he agreed and joined with the other teens the next week to be trained as a dragon killer while his dad went on the journey to find the dragon's nest.

Gobber, the blacksmith and the one who Hiccup can speak with was going to be teaching them. And that's when he learned from Gobber that dragon is vulnerable if one of his tail fin was cut off or has an injured wing.

Hiccup decided to see if the night fury that he shot down was injured. He went back to the forest to find the small entrance to a hidden cove where he found the night fury trying to fly away. The night fury couldn't even hunt for food. Thats when he noticed that one of his tail fin was indeed cut off.

Hiccup felt a bit guilty since he was the one who caused the dragon losing its flying ability. And thats when he decided to build a new tail fin for the disable dragon even if it means breaking every viking protocol. 

Through time to time while improving the tail fin he made, he learned a few things about the dragon that not even the book of dragons ever mentioned about.  The only states about what species of dragons there are , teeth size, weight, size, abilities. And all of them stated that the dragons should be killed on sight.

But what hiccup learned was that dragons don't like eels, reflecting light was interesting to them, a certain soft spot on their body makes them sleep on the spot and they are curious by nature.

Now what he learned makes him understand that all the things that were said about them were wrong and was mostly written by someone who never gave any dragon a chance to show their true self. 

He used this new found information helped him to survive throughout his dragon training but it didn't come out the way he planned. Indeed he was ignored and bullied before by the vikings, but now he was getting attention as if he was some sort of dragon killer which was not him at all.

That was supposed to be Astrid, not him.

After his dad came from one of his voyage hunting only get to know about hiccup's talent and gave him a new helmet. The next day of the final tournament ,he was then chosen to kill the monstrous nightmare. And that point he knew he have to get out of here. 

Hiccup shook his head before looking over to his right to see toothless, the night fury and his best friend was sniffing the basket . Maybe wanting to know what was in it.

"No bud, there is no fish in there," said hiccup, warmly before getting up and strapped the basket at toothless's left side. He sighed and said," We're going on a long vacation pal and we are never coming back to this island."

Toothless slightly turned his head a bit before giving him a certain look.

"By the look on your face, I'm guessing it's about time that we get out of here, Right?" said hiccup as he was adjusting his bag.

Toothless nodded his head. After the first flight across the meridian, He told toothless about his life except the dragon training since he thought that toothless would leave him if he get to know what he was doing at the time he wasn't with him.. So he wasn't surprise that toothless agreed quickly.

"Sorry bud," murmured Hiccup before hoping on top of Toothless's back. The night Fury took off immediately and within seconds they were looking down where Berk was at.

His birthplace..

The small viking frowned while lowering his head. A small tear rolled down his cheeks.

Berk was his home. But ever since his mother's death, it was not the same anymore. they were a happy family but now his father hardly pays attention to him, never really talks to him .

It was all Gobber. Gobber would take care of him since he was like 5 while his father was dealing with chiefting and dragon raids. The blacksmith was even there when everyone speaks negative about him and called him the famous nickname which is Hiccup The useless. Even tho Gobber was there to comfort him, He still had to endure the sufferings from the teens and the vikings talking bad about him. He would cry silently during the night in his room alone so that they don't hear him. When he was little , He was taught from his father that vikings were supposed to be tough, not weak and showing weak emotion states that you are a weak viking. And a weak viking is a useless viking.

He knew from the bottom of his heart that His father, the chief of Berk wouldn't approve his one and only son to be a weak and coward .

"Let's get going toothless," hiccup murmured.

The night fury nodded his head before taking off and started heading far off from Berk. 

Hiccup looked for the last time behind his back for a few minutes until it started to get fainter and fainter. He looked in front of him while trying to hid his tears .

"Goodbye Berk.. Goodbye Goober and... goodbye Dad.. I hope you guys will be happy now since i am gone forever..." Hiccup thought as he was getting himself into an unknown adventure which can help him be someone else . 





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