22: New Beginning

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Ignore the mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Hoseok groaned, throwing his jacket over the couch that was all clean despite his too-caught-up schedule, and now when his jacket was there, he scrunched his nose before taking it and hanging it at the designated place.

Another soft sigh of relief passed through his lips during the past ten minutes since he arrived back at his home-sweet-home. Taking the can of Sprite from the fridge, he walked slowly to the window to look out of the kitchen only to gasp, forgetting that he just took a sip of his favorite drink, resulting in choking and coughing a few times before he abandoned his can and rushed out of the house.

His hand halted for once but ended up knocking at the door he hadn't for a while, gulping thickly when it was opened by the person who looked quite out of it all, too.

"Hyung..." That's it, and the person was engulfed in a strong embrace, almost knocking the air out of his lungs. Hoseok looked shocked in a good or maybe a bit startling way but was still making sure to caress the blue-haired all over his back in a soothing way.

"How - let's get inside first, yeah?" Pulling away, not fully, though... Hoseok dragged the younger male inside, not forgetting to close the door behind him. Once seated on the worn-out couch in the small living room beside the kitchen, the older one softly patted Taehyung's hair, eyes wide and kind of monitoring.

"I'm really - here, hyung." Hearing that groggy voice, Hoseok groaned and rushed to the kitchen of the blue-haired to find it very clean, not expecting that actually after many weeks but ignored that for that time and looked around to get a glass of water, now realizing that Taehyung was sweating in this weather.

Rushing back to the spacing-out boy, he sat beside him and made him drink some water. Even when Taehyung took only a few sips, he made sure that the younger was a bit better than before.

When Taehyung was trying to drink more, Hoseok took his time to look around to find everything very clean and in its place, and now it was a lingering question here.


"I don't know, hyung... I just - I really don't know how it happened... I'm -"

"It's alright, no need to rush it right now. Let's rest for now, hmm?" Observing the frown and uncleared eyes, Hoseok licked his lips and quickly guided Taehyung to his room, which was clean as well.

"Here, I'll get you some warm milk, and then you can sleep, ok?" Having no response in turn, Hoseok sighed and made a beeline to get some milk from his own home, but for some reason, he decided to check the fridge only to get surprised again to find it filled with many edibles, including milk.

Making sure that the packed food wasn't expired, he took the box of milk out to pour some in a mug and put that in the microwave for a few seconds, fighting off the questions in his mind. He was sure that Taehyung wasn't there in the morning, or even at noon when he visited his house to get some papers related to his ongoing project, but now seeing the boy here back, suddenly, with a clean and prepared house, was something poking his mind. It wasn't like he wasn't happy to see him all safe and sound, but it felt just off.

The ting of the oven brought him back to the present.

I can ask him whenever he feels better.

Nodding to himself, he made his lips stretch in a warm smile and brought the mug to the room where Taehyung was still spacing out, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Taehyung, drink some milk." The male took the mug, drank the milk to the bottom, and leaned back on the headboard.

"Now, have some rest, ok? I'll leave -"

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