16. Rachel

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I open my eyes as the sunray fell on my face. Devil wasn't there in the bed . I move my eyes around the bedroom. My eyes fell on a figure sitting on couch.

There's he, sitting on a white shirt with folded sleeves doing something on laptop. He's looking so handsome. I get up from the bed. And walk to the Devil.

" Good Morning, Devil " , I say . He removes his laptop from his lap and pull me in his embrace. " Good morning Papilio " He pecks on my lips. I immediately cover my lips with my hands.
" Jeon, I've not brushed yet " I murmured. He chuckles at me, " I'm not going to kiss you . Why do you always think so wild? "

I became a whole red tomato. " Devil " I hit his chest .
I move my face and get up from his lap,
" I am going for a shower. "

" Ohh sorry, Papilio. Today I'm already done shower so.... " , he smirks at me . My cheeks turned red. I rush to the washroom and closed the door loudly.

I close the door of bathroom. I look at my face in the mirror. A red tomato! I curse him. I remove his shirt that's I wearing. I look at my figure. There's so many purplish spots. I remember our last night. That craziness for him. I turn on the shower. Let the water rushed down through my figure. I close my eyes. And only three words slip from my lips,
" Jeon is Mine " .

I come down stairs to see that Devil is cooking. He notices my presence and smiles at me. " Sit down Papilio. Let's do breakfast " He says and I nod. I sit on the table and he brings breakfast to us.
I take a full mouth bite and furrowed my eyebrows.
" Uhhhhh, Jeon it's so delicious. How can you cook so tasty? "

" I told you that you married a master chef " , he says .
I chuckles at him and we do our breakfast.

" Papilio, let's go to Office. " He says to me wearing his coat. " Me? But why? " I ask him.

" Didn't you told me that you want to visit my industry? Let's go today " He says looking at me.

" Didn't you told me that I own that company so i can visit that anytime? " I told him and he nods. " Then I'll go another day . Today I'm so tired Jeon. " I told him. I yawn for a time.

He smirks at me, " As you wish Mrs. Jeon. After a long wild night, I know you must be sleepy, aren't you? "

I look at his shameless face and throw a pillow to him, " Pervert "

He throws the pillow back towards me. He smirks again, " Take a good rest Mrs. Jeon. I don't want to fuck a sore woman, who'll sleep in the middle" . He left me after making me a tomato again. " Devil, remains devil. "

Jungkook's pov

" Keep a strong eye on my wife. If something happens to her you know the consequences. " I strictly instruct my bodyguard about their doings.

I don't know why I'm having a bad hunch. Today I really don't want to leave her alone at home but there's a really important meeting at brother hood. I've to go.

Nabi's pov

It's really boring here. If I go with devil at least I wouldn't be this much bored. I was roaming the mansion as a guard comes to me.

" Madam, Mr. Jeon ask me to take you at his office. He wants to meet you. " Guard told me.

I'm really surprised. How he can understand everything I want to say?
" Really? Jeon sent you to pick me up? " I ask him to confirm it if I'm not seeing a dream or something.

" Yes mam. Your car is waiting outside. " He leads me the way to outside and I follow him. I see there's no bodyguard. Why? There must be a lot of bodyguards. Because I know Jeon is so protective about my security.

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