A Secret

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Two years later...

                 Glory flew off, it was pretty dark out, and she was sure to make sure no one was following her.  The stars seemed to be looming over her, watching her from above, protecting her almost. It'd been two whole years since the whole RainWing Incident, Nightmare and his group of NightWings got the punishment of death that they very much so deserved, the other NightWings who had nothing do to with the incident were living happily with the RainWings. She and Deathbringer had the best date nights, and hang outs, and lived in a nice large hut in the rain forest, Kinkajou and Turtle got married after she and Deathbringer had a new village and rain forest.

                  Clay and Peril had a dragonet, his name was Copper, with firescales and anger like his mom and an appetite and sweetness of his father. Riptide finally proposed to Tsunami, after a lot of convincing, with her help of course, so they were now engaged. Fatespeaker and Starflight were having an amazing time, they started their own library with bookshelves that reached the ceiling. Moonwatcher finally got out of the love triangle, and choose Qibli, making things awkward between her and Winter. Sunny was single, but also living a good life, her mother Thorn had died, leaving her to the throne, it was hard sometimes, but she always did it. Though, she spent most of her time at Jade Mountain Academy helping the school. 

                 Cricket and Blue went off the explore the world together, always visiting everyone back in Pantala, and occasionally Pyrrhia though a dreamvistor. Sundew and Willow were older now, and knew better, Sundew had better control over her rage, and Willow was the most calm of all dragons, and filled with patience. Though they had Queen Hazel, after Queen Sequoia died of old age, they were mainly the ones who looked after all the dragons there. Swordtail and Luna lived by the beach, always having romantic times, and Luna had laid an egg, three actually, but they haven't hatched yet. 

                 But she and Deathbringer? They were always hanging out, exploring, visiting friends, always doing something. And a couple nights ago, Glory did do something, she had laid eggs, three eggs to be exact. But no one knew of this, not Deathbringer, not her friends, or any of her family, Glory wasn't ready to tell the others yet, just not yet. 

                 Once Glory found the small area in the rain forest, she landed, this is where she hid her eggs. It was the only place in the forest where the trees only loomed over the forest partially, and still left an area for moonlight to gaze through. The grass was wet under he talons, it had just rained this morning, she went up to the tree top, where she had hidden her eggs. So well that Glory would haven't even noticed, but she knew they were they were there, she reached her talons in, until she felt the eggs in her talons, then she pulled them out. And flew down, carefully setting the eggs down in the grass.

                 Glory smiled at them, the first egg was fully rainbow colored, with only specks of black, the second egg was the exact opposite, all black with specks of rainbow, and the third egg was black at the bottom, and blended into a rainbow color at the top. They were her eggs, her Deathbringer's, and they were going to be wonderful, she hoped that none of them had Deathbringer's same annoying smug face, but there was no way to tell, at least right now.

                 Glory stared at he eggs with happiness, she wouldn't let anyone lay a claw on them. That's when she heard shifting in the bushes, she was so careful to make sure no one was to follow her. But there was a dragon who followed her, and she had to deal with the consequences, she got in a position ready to attack, with her venom ready at any moment. She was in a position that was both attack and defense, like she said no one was to lay a single claw on her eggs. 

                    Then the dragon jumped out of the bushes, she didn't even pay attention to who it was, she was just about to shoot her venom out when the dragon said "Hey! Hey! It's just me! Coconut! No need with the venom though.". Glory lowered her fangs and teeth to see the dragon before her, it really was Coconut, the same dragon with purple and yellow scales, they'd become very close friends over the last two years. "What are you doing here?" Glory spat, still defending her eggs.

                 "Well, I was concerned. I've been seeing you these past few nights fly off, and I wanted to know if my friend was okay. But this time I figured that I might figure out were your actually going this time, so I followed you with a lizard. But it seems you have, eggs?!!" Coconut finished as she glanced at what I was defending. "Oh my THREE MOONS GLORY!!!! You have EGGS?!! WHY IN THE WORLD HAVE YOU NOT TOLD ANYONE, WHY HAVEN'T YOU TOLD ME?!!" Coconut said with excitement in her voice, with yellow racing up her scales.

                 Glory tackled Coconut to the ground covering her snout, as she carefully glanced around, and removed her talons from Coconut's snout and said "Stop. Your being to loud, I'm sure that every dragon in Pyrrhia and Pantala heard you, I'm sure even Blue and Cricket heard you, from where ever in the world they are.". Coconut nodded, as she then got up and off the ground, so that Coconut could do the same.

                She looked at Coconut's eyes, she'd known Coconut long enough to know that look of wonder in her eyes, she still wanted an answer. So Glory rolled hers, sighed, and reluctantly said "Fine, I'll tell you why I'm bidding this from the world, but promise I'll stay that way.". Coconut quickly nodded, and then Glory explained "So when I had these eggs, I was so happy. But, the reason why I hid this is pretty simple. One, from danger of other dragons, you have no idea how many dragons want revenge one me, hurt me, or what I have. Two, I was too nervous. I mean what if Deathbringer hates me for this? What if can he doesn't want to be a father?". 

                 Glory curled her tail a little tighter around her eggs, at the thought, she was too scared to let go. Coconut smiled at Glory, and rolled her eyes, as if this was easy to deal with. This made her want to rip Coconut's scales off, and scream at her in anger. But she then said "Wow Glory. What happened? You used to be a fierce warrior, afraid of nothing. So what if someone tries stealing your eggs? They're never going to get away with it, not after what you went through to get Deathbringer back. And so what if Deathbringer doesn't want to be a father? Your going to do everything to protect those eggs, even if that's what it takes.". 

                  "I guess your right, anyone who tries anything will have their scales ripped off, eyes pulled out, teeth ripped out of their mouth and stuffed back in there, I'll even keep some of those teeth as a memory. Then I'll have their claws removed from their talons, then I'll have the dragonets in the village have venom practice on that dragon, and then before that dragon dies, I'll rip off their horns, and stab them with it." Glory said as she loosened her grip on the eggs, as she thought about what she said, and how satisfying it would be if she could do that to every dragon she hated.

                 "Now that you feel safer about you eggs, it's time to tell the world!" Coconut said, but before she could leap off into the sky, Glory held her down and warned her "NO, I SWEAR IF YOU SAY A SINGLE WORD, YOU'LL END UP BEING THE DRAGON WHO GOES THOUGH ALL THE TORTURE.". Coconut slid a little father from Glory, with worry in her eyes, as green rippled in her scales. Then Glory realized "Oh my moons! If this keeps up I'm gonna be Tsunami!". 

                 They both chuckled, as Coconut got back to her spot in the grass, closer to Glory, but not too close. "You're going to have to tell them eventually Glory." Coconut said getting into her calmer and more serious tone of voice. "Yes, I know. Just not right now, I'm not ready. So can we keep this a secret, between us, at least until I'm ready?" Glory admitted and asked Coconut, as she turned her head to her, Coconut said "Yeah, I can do that. I mean what are friends for?", as she turned her head to towards Glory, and small smile crept on her face.

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now