We Found Luna! But Where's Deathbringer?

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                 Glory and the others continued to look for Deathbringer in the ruins of what used to be the NightWing Kingdom, she wished she just left them here to die, they deserved, in her opinion. Because no one was going to take Deathbringer, or even lay a SINGLE talon on him and get away with it! No her her watch, the NightWings were going to pay dearly for what they had done.

                 As they flew through there this side of the kingdom, Sunny said "Um, I think I might have found something!" she pointed her talon towards what looked like some kind of cave, or entrance to an old ruin. She really didn't care what it was, as long as it had Deathbringer inside, NOTHING was going to stop her from it. She immediately started to dive towards the cave, when Starflight said "Stop!" she quickly brought herself to a stop, causing her wings to jolt back. "Look," Tsunami said, Glory looked at the entrance, now noticing the ten NightWings that guarded the cave. "See? Think BEFORE you act Glory." Tsunami said, with a smug expression on her face.

                 Glory glared at her, she knew Tsunami was only trying help, but she had SUCH A SMUG FACE! She was so ready to spray her venom at her. But she needed to focus on her real enemy, the NightWings. "I think I can take them, but the real question is can they take me?" Peril said with a smile, she then dove in to the guard of NightWings by surprise, they all screamed, as Peril burned them with her fire scales. "Ha! That's what you GET!" Tsunami yelled to the NightWings, but they were too busy BURNING. She wanted to laugh, but she looked back at Sunny who hugging Starflight, she looked as if she was about to cry , so she held her laugh back.

                 She looked back at Peril, who was very proud of herself for what she had accomplished that moment, as she stomped on one of the NightWing's burnt and charcoaled face, and said "Oops." and smiled, as she started walking into the cave. "Hey! What up Peril!" Tsunami called. As she dove in towards Peril, and Glory dove after her, with Sunny and Starflight followed close behind. As they entered the cave, it was very dark in there, the only thing to light the very dim cave was lanterns.

                 As they went deeper, they heard chains rustling. Glory stopped them, at the sound of the chains, she then looked at the others. She then said "I think it would be better if I went down there first, you guys stay back here. I'll come right back, with Deathbringer. Hopefully...". "That's perfectly fine with me." She heard Starflight say, and Tsunami then yelled to her "Just stay alive, I don't want your ghost haunting me!" She laughed at  Tsunami's comment, as she made her way down the cave. 

                 She could hear the rustling of chains getting louder as she went, and she couldn't hear the others anymore. The suspense was KILLING her! And she just couldn't take it anymore, she so she yelled "Deathbringer?! Is that you down there?" she had said it with hope in her voice, for all she knew, it could be some type of monster down there. She then heard a voice, but it wasn't Deathbringer's, it was an another dragon's voice, who said "Who's that?". Her scales turned gray, it wasn't him, but she couldn't leave that dragon down there, so she continued. 

                 Glory was soon face to face with a SilkWing, one with green scales and glowing wrists like Blue's, who was wrapped in chains, around her arms, and neck. "Who are you? And just what are you doing here?" Glory asked cautiously, before freeing her of the chains. "My name is Luna." She said. 

                 Glory stepped back in horror at the name. THIS was Luna, Blue's bigger sister, the flamesilk! The very flamesilk who BURNED DOWN her rain forest! She knew that Luna was forced to, but she still did it, and she would never forgive that, even if she wanted to, she couldn't. Luna noticed the horror in her eyes, and asked "What? Did I do something? Or...". Glory was then mad that she didn't know who she was, did she even know what a RainWing was? "Do you know the tribe of RainWings?" She asked. And Luna replied "No, but it seems familiar..." as she stared off into the distance. 

                 Luna didn't even know what a RainWing was! "I'm a RainWing, and YOU destroyed MY village, and KILL almost EVERY RainWing. I'm the Queen of the RainWings, and YOU took EVERY RainWing's life, expect for three, or maybe even two." She said with anger rising in her voice. "Oh, but you don't understand-" Luna started, but Glory had been too angry to listen to her, and interrupted her saying "Oh, I don't understand, I think YOU don't understand. The pain, knowing that knowing that there was nothing you could do to save your tribe. Knowing all you have left of your tribe is four, that's of Kinkajou is alive..." she trailed off. But then finished off "I'm only going to let you free because you're Blue's sister, and friends with Cricket, Sundew, and Willow." Glory then reluctantly freed Luna of her chains. 

                 Glory was VERY mad, and she didn't even care about holding back the color of emotion in her scales, black and dark red quickly spread all over her. And Luna could clearly tell and kept her mouth shut, as they walked back to the others. When the others saw Glory's anger, they also kept their mouths shut, it was clear she DIDN'T want to hear it. Then Glory angrily and sarcastically announced "This is the all amazing, RainWing killing, and village burning, Luna." She then stepped out of the darkness, showing herself.

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat