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Deathbringer's Point of View

                 He ran over to Glory, at full speed, he wasn't about to let Glory die, especially when he was this close to saving Glory. Not now, not EVER. She was now gasping for air, and as Deathbringer looked down at her neck, her necklace was getting tighter, tighter than it should be. 

                 And now, Glory was on the ground, and her eyes were closing, but the necklace only got tighter. "Glory! No! Do not die on me now!" Deathbringer yelled, trying to brighten the mood, but there was no response. He tried shaking her, nothing worked, her pink scales were fading into white. Come on Deathbringer! Do something, think! His thoughts yelled at him, no matter how much he wanted to focus on Glory, that wouldn't help.

                 Come on! Come on! His thoughts repeated until Deathbringer finally got something. Snowhunter! Him! If he's dead, than that necklace should pop right off! But I have to do it quick, before, before it's too late. Deathbringer took a glance at Glory, her breathing only getting slower, too slow. At that sight, he turned his attention back to Snowhunter. And flew off, reluctant to leave Glory behind, but he knew it was the only way.

                 It was only moments later until Deathbringer found himself inside of the cave Snowhunter was snoring in. Deathbringer scanned the area, as quickly as possible, before taking another step in. Snowhunter was all the way in the back of the cave, in the dark. This was great, in case Snowhunter were to wake up, the darkness would hide him. 

                 He saw Snowhunter shift around a bit, causing Deathbringer to freeze every now and then. But it wasn't very hard, and soon Deathbringer found himself right in front of Snowhunter. You're about to be the one paying for crimes. It's either you or Glory, and I hate you much more than her. Those were his last thoughts, until Deathbringer raised his talon out, and slit Snowhunter's neck. 

                 There was a small trail of blood coming from Snowhunter's neck when Deathbringer slit it open. Snowhunter's breathing had then slowed down, and it kept slowing down, until he had stopped breathing. At that Deathbringer said, knowing that there was going to be no reply, "As much as I'd like to watch you die, I have a dragon who needs me.". As those words left his mouth, he immediately ran out of the cave and took off, diving down to Glory.

                 As soon as Deathbringer's talons hit the rocky ground and heat, and quickly ran over to Glory. Her scales were still colored as white as snow when he got there, and her breathing had stopped. He placed his talons on Glory, with worry all over his face, "Please don't die. Please don't die." were the words that he repeated over and over. But then his words were interrupted when Glory's eyes fluttered open, not the dull distant ones, her normal beautiful emerald green eyes, and her breathing went back to normal. 

                Deathbringer's face lit up at the sight of Glory, as he exclaimed "Glory!", and wrapped his wings around her, hugging as if he wasn't ever going to let her go. "Deathbringer! What in the three moons! If you keep hugging me this tight, I might stop breathing again!" Glory said, as she pushed Deathbringer off of her. He let her do that, as he took a step back, and Glory got back on her talons. 

                The necklace around her neck broke, and turned into ashes as it fell. "That necklace was just as ugly as Snowhunter-" Glory stopped, talking as she watched the necklace fall. "SNOWHUNTER! HE'S ABOUT TO MEET HIS END." Glory roared in anger, as she took off, but Deathbringer ran over to her, and grabbed one of her legs before she got any farther. Glory whipped her head around, with red and black on her scales, but orange was there, rising. 

               Red, I think that means anger, that makes since. She has that color a lot, and black it means something like that. Oh! And orange, yes orange! That color usually appears when I'm talking to her, that MUST mean annoyance. Deathbringer's thoughts realized, as he looked at her scales. But Deathbringer quickly got back on track and said "Well, actually I already killed him.", he gave her a look that said 'sorry?'.

                 Anger was rising in Glory, Deathbringer could tell by that look, so before she could say anything he quickly said "I had to! It was the only way to make sure you lived, your welcome by the way.". Then she dropped herself back down onto the ground, as she muttered something under breath, while scowling at him. He stood there staring at Glory, waiting for a thank you to leave her mouth, as he then said "Maybe a thank you would be nice.". 

                 As she then changed her voice to a fake queenly voice and sarcastically exclaimed "Oh my! Thank you! Thank you! I really must say that you've outdone yourself this time Deathbringer!". "I know, I really have haven't I?" Deathbringer said, playing along to Glory's sarcasm. Glory just rolled her eyes at Deathbringer, as he smirked at her, making her even more annoyed than she already was. "Stop it you frog face!" Glory said, as she playfully whacked her tail on his arm. 

                 "My queen, you must know by now that this is a thing that never ends. Like my love for you." Deathbringer said, still smirking, as he walked up beside Glory, noticing the small dots of pink at the ends of her tail. Making Deathbringer very proud. Ignoring his comment, Glory lifted off into the air, him doing the same, as she said "Let's just go home, I have a whole kingdom waiting for me.". As those words left her mouth, she gave him a small kiss on the cheek, and then she thrusted herself ahead of him, tips of her tail turning just a little more pink. 

                 Deathbringer just smirked at Glory, and then pushed himself forwards, catching up to her. And from there, they both flew, no words, just them, as they flew back to the entrance, where the RainWings and NightWings awaited them.    

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book Oneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें