Where are the shadows lie

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(New Bonesborough, The collector's residence, 1 hour ago)

A fly was caught in a spider's web. It Wriggled around trying desperately to get out of the predator's web as the spider slowly came towards it, ready to eat its next meal.

Right as the spider was ready to eat a great green leaf wrapped around the spider and quickly threw the arachnid into its trap mouth the bit down with a loud crunching sound!

A tall woman with short black hair watered this very plant. Her name was Maria and these plants were one of her greatest joys in life. They reminded her of the Venus fly traps she used to have back in Gravesfield before she moved to New Bonesborough, her older sister, Masha had told her so many amazing stories that she just had a visit and of course, when she did, that's when she met her future husband, the collector himself. Meeting him is what had kept her hear all these years...well that and another special someone.

"Mama, Mama, come see what I can do!"

Maria turned around and saw her 7-year-old son, Uriel floating around.

Uriel mostly resembled his father when he was younger with the only difference being only half of his hair was white while the other half was Raven black like his Mother's as well as a large pale blue blotch that eclipses the right side of his face, giving the left side the appearance of a crescent moon shape. Her son was dressed in the multi-track Hexside Academy uniform of Construction as well as healing covens.

Maria smiled and then caught her son in mid-air.

"Very impressive, Uriel. Now why don't you go pack your books so we can get you to school on time."

Uriel looked slightly disappointed.

"Ok, Mama. Do you know where Papa is?"

"Your Father had to leave early because of an emergency at work. "

"Is he ok?" Uriel asked.

Maria smiled and messed up her son's hair.

"He's fine. You can ask him what happened after you get to school."

Uriel nodded then ran inside to grab his school supplies.

Maria didn't know why but she had a bad feeling about today, she didn't know why though.

(Hexside Academy, principal's office)

Pep gazed around at all the Adults as well as his classmates staring at him, Roland, Erich, and Lithie all looked at him distrustingly but he had small hope when seeing Luisa and Penelope looking at him with a moniker of sympathy. He then looked down at String-Bean who was still standing upright looking at everyone in case they tried to attack.

Pep gently patted String-Bean on the head.

"It's ok, Girl. We're among friends here." Pep said.

"I wouldn't say that," Lithie said.

"Why is he not in a Dungeon or on the first longship out to the colonies right now?!" Roland shouted.

Luisa got up out of her chair and glared at Roland.

"Because He saved My life as well as Penelope's! Not to mention he's just as much a victim of this whole ordeal as the rest of us." Luisa said.

"A Victim? Luisa, you seem to have a lot of trust in a boy you just met a day ago." The Collector said.

Luisa looked at her mom who had a concerned look on her face, and then back at her principal.

"Uncle, I know it's a big leap of faith here, but I know I can trust Pep, I know this not just because he saved my life and my best friend's life but also because My Mom's old Palisman trusts him and if she does then so do I."

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