Chapter 1:The Good witch Luisa

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(Hexside Academy, Principal Collector's office. )

Luisa Noceda, Erich Blight, and Penelope Wormwood all sat in the principal's office.

The door behind them opened and the three students gripped there chairs as they heard every step their principal took until he sat down.

Penelope tried to say something but Principal Collector put up his finger to silence the student. The Collector's Palisman, Ghost jumped onto her master's desk. She rubbed herself against his arm and purred as he scratched her behind the ears. Ghost then laid down on the desk.

Erich always found it strange that his aunt Amity's first Palisman, Ghost had changed partners, that was unheard of in history-"

Erich's thoughts were interrupted when Principal collector began to speak.

"So instead of waiting until tomorrow with the rest of your classmates, you three decided to go ahead and sneak into the Palisman paddock and get yours early, Eh?"

The three looked away.

"We weren't going to take them, Sir. We were just gonna see if we matched with any of them." Luisa said.

"And why wouldn't you?"

Luisa looked down, she didn't want to tell her own Mother's former student why she did it.

"Luisa,I'm waiting."

"I....just couldn't wait." Luisa lied and she could tell her Principal and adopted uncle knew she was lying.

"Is that so?"

All the air in her lungs went out as she heard that familiar voice. She turned around and saw her mother, Luz Noceda herself along with Penelope's mother Boscha as well Erich's Aunt, Amity Blight.

The three looked at their family members before looking back at their principal.

"Oh did I forget to tell you three I called your parents?"

The collector then got up and ghost quickly turned into her staff form before The collector grabbed her, he stopped at the window and looked out at the fire that was slowly being put out on the quad.

"Normally I would punish you three for the Damage you've done to my school but I know your parents will punish you three a lot worse than I ever could so I bid you three good day."

The collector walked out of his office leaving the three children with their guardians.

The three adults and three children looked at each other for a moment. Both groups were silent until Erich tried to speak up.

"Um Aunt Amity, I..."

"Nope," Amity replied.

Erich sat back down.

Luz walked around and sat at her former pupil's desk and faced the three.

"So you three thought you could just sneak a peak at the Palisman did you?" Luz asked.

The three looked down and all answered at the same time: Yes, Mrs. Nocada.

" Penelope! I can't believe you'd do something so idiotic. Do you realize what that'll do to my business's reputation?" Boscha said. 

"Boscha, calm down. Let's let our kids at least say their peace before we punish them."

Boscha glared at Amity and then looked right back down at her daughter.

"Well? Tell us." Luz said as she stared her daughter straight in the eyes.

"Tell us why you three couldn't wait."

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