Chapter 3:Curse of the dragon beast

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The bell rang, ending lunch.

Penelope sighed.

"Well back to class," Penelope said.

"You're not coming to study hall?" Luisa asked.

"No, I've got some extra credit work to do. I'll meet up with you and Erich after school."

Penelope grabbed her books and walked out of the cafeteria.

Pep tried to get up and escape but Luisa put her arm around his shoulder.

"C'mon. Since you are new here I'll show you to the library."

"No, really that's not necessary," Pep said.

"It's no problem besides Penelope is in class and Erich unfortunately in Detention I'll need a study buddy and I can help you with your illusion studies."

Pep wanted so badly to get away from her but he couldn't think of a way to get out of it without looking suspicious.

"All right, show me the way."

Luisa smiled and led Pep to the library.

As they were walking Pep noticed Luisa was fidgeting with a pink oval gem necklace.

"You ok?" Pep asked.

Luisa had a nervous face and began to take deep breaths and began to fidget with her necklace more vigorously.

"I'm fine, it's just that that incident in the cafeteria left me a little rattled... wish Erich and Penelope were here."

Now Pep noticed Luisa's skin beginning to look dry.

"I don't mean to sound rude but your skin looks dry."

Luisa noticed the skin on her forearm was drying out rather quickly, and began to take on a more scale-like texture.

"No, not now," Luisa whispered.

"Are you ok, your starting to look-"

"I'm fine, ok!" Luisa shouted.

After a moment Luisa noticed Pep's surprised face.

"I'm so sorry, Pep. I didn't mean to be rude, I'm just dealing with a lot right now...also I'm a little worried about tomorrow."


"Tomorrow is the day we receive our Palisman...I'm worried I won't get one."

"Why are you worried about that? This school is chock full of 'em, throw a rock and you'll hit 70."

"I know but ya see my mom had a hard time getting her own. On her adoption day, none of the Palisman chose her because she wasn't sure what she wanted to do with her life yet...I'm not sure either what I'm going to do. I know I want something to do with magical creatures but I'm just not 100% of what it is I want to do with them other than study them and that's not much of a career then there's what my mom wants."

" Why does what she wants matter to you?"

Luisa sighed.

"My mom wants me to be like her, an extraordinary Witch who always saves the day and studies every field of magic there is but..."

"That's not what you want."

"No, I'm happy with beast-keeping and minoring in Abominations. I don't want to be famous like my mom and her friends."

"Well, I know this might be a simple answer but think hard tonight about what you want to do, not your mom and not your confused thoughts just think of what you want to do and I'm sure tomorrow you'll find your Palisman."

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