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"Could you drive a little slower please?" I mumbled in the back seat.

"What was that?" Logan raised an eyebrow, while looking at me through the mirror. Music was blasting through the speakers, while the boys spoke over the noise.

We were driving for over twenty minutes now and my head started to hurt. Logan and Asher were discussing something about the next car they both wanted to buy. I didn't really know how to become a part of that conversation so I just zoned out.

"Could you drive a little slower please?" I repeated myself a little louder.

"Why? Are you afraid?" Asher chuckled as he turned around to look at me.

"No, but I think I have to barf soon if you take another turn in this speed." I felt a disgusting feeling in my throat.

"Oh." Asher nodded. "Logan, drive more carefully."

"Well, you could have said that earlier. We arrive in five minutes." Logan scoffed and I just rolled my eyes.

We arrived at a big shopping mall, but we didn't park at the regular parking spaces, where all the other cars were. We drove into an underground garage with two security guards at the entrance. Logan did not even have to say anything, they just let us through.

"This is a private parking space. For those who belong to the upper class." Logan sounded very smug and full of himself.

When we entered the mall I felt a lot of stares. Almost everyone eyed me up and down, but didn't even dare to look into my brothers' eyes.

I started biting my bottom lip and silently walked behind my brothers who seemed to really enjoy the attention from all the girls.

"Where do you want to go first?" Asher turned around to look at me.

"Uhm, I do not really need anything except some hygiene products." I explained, remembering all of the stuff that was already inside the closet. "And maybe some fitting underwear."

Asher avoided looking into my eyes, he must have noticed me biting onto my bottom lip.

"Are you nerv-?" Logan wanted to point out the obvious, but got spoken over by Asher.

"Right, I forgot that Dad and Milo already went shopping. Why did they send us then?" He sighed annoyed and just started walking towards the next drugstore.

"Did you like the clothes they bought you?" Asher asked me, finally walking beside me.

"The clothes are really pretty, but all diffrent sizes so I cannot wear all of them." I smiled. It was really satisfying to have the opportunity to choose from so many different clothes now.

"That wasn't smart of them, was it? They were so excited so they just went off and bought everything they saw in so many different sizes. They hired somebody to make your room as comfortable for a woman as possible and hired a make-up artist to buy them everything you could need." Asher chuckled.

We went into the store and I took the lead. I walked down the aisles and stopped when I finally arrived at the section I was looking for.

"Sorry." I mumbled. I could see how uncomfortable they felt standing here with me.

I remembered how embarrassing it is for a woman to be caught menstruating. Even our husband should never notice when we are on our period.

Well, that's what they told us at the orphanage.

"What?" It's the first time Logan seemed genuinely confused about what I said.

"I know it's not appropriate for a girl to buy these things with a man, but I do not know how much they cost here and the amount of money I am allowed to spend." I started rambling. I felt the heat in my cheeks and just turned my head to look at the products.

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