Chapter 54

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Although she travelled a lot, she always return to visit Luka every 2 years or sometimee once a year.

During these period of time, Luka didn't bother to raise his realm the Highest level because he was reluctant to use hid Heavenly points.

He was going to publish a list again.

But this time, he was going to Publish a List covered the whole Immortal Realm so he always reserve the Heavenly Points.

With a thoughful look, he silently ask the system in his mind.

"System, how much do i need to Publish 100 List of Talent belong 500 Years old in the whole Immortal Realm and Their Reward?"

"Host, You need at least 30 Million Heavenly Points for the List and 45 Million Heavenly Points for the Reward. "

Luka nodded slight and said.

"Then exchange it. "

After a while a huge information appeared in front of him.

He look at his own information with slight smile.

Name: Luka Celestial

Identity: Head of the Heavenly Secret Pavillion

Realm: Golden Immortal Realm Peak

Physic: Heavenly God Body, The eyes of Truth, Primordial Chaos God Body, Eyes of Eternity

Heavenly points: 25 Million

Mount: Heavenly Dragon, Heavenly Qilin, Heavenly Phoenix, Heavenly Wolf

Heavenly Forces: Heavenly Guard, Heavenly Messenger, Heavenly Elders, Heavenly Maids, Heavenly Ancestors,, Heavenly Guardian, Heavenly Butler, Heavenly Assasin, Heavenly Servant, Heavenly Gate Keeper, Heavenly ForeFather

Only 25 Million Hsavenly Points was remain for himself.

His descision was really correct to save a lot of Heavenly Points because the entire Immortal realm is very huge and vast. There are many large lands and domains.

Suddenly the Sky Above Immortal Realm Shine with Bright light.

All powerhouse look above with vigilance because they can felt a powerful forces in the white light , some of them eve surpressed.

Even the Top Forces pay attention to the White Light Above because they sense a crisis and dangerous power.

" The Heavenly Secret Pavilion Will Publish a List."

"The Heavenly Genius List"

"Those genius below 500 Years old will be on the List and will recieve a Huge Reward and benifits"

A powerful voice resounded through the Whole Immortal realm and it can be heared in all directions of several lands and Domains.

In the Eternal Domain, Immortal God Sect.

All members of the Immortal God Sect Look above with solemn expressions.

Several Ancestors also began to wakeup and look above with dignified.

"It Finally Started"

Alex look above with smile. Among all cultivators in the Immortal God Sect, he is the only one who was calm and not affected by the surpression of the white light above.

"Young Emperor, what's starting?"

One of the Elders of Immortal God Sect look at Alex with curiousity.

They all admire Alex because of his knowledge and strenght. The most is he is the most Mysterious in the Immortal God Sect.

Everyone respect him even the Sect Master respect him from the bottom of his heart.

Alex look at the Elders and Sect Master of the Immortal God Sect with smile and said lightly. " That's the hand written of my Master, look carefully there are always ignorant cultivators who will bear the courage of leopard"

As he said that, an arrogant voice resounded in the sky.

"What's this trashing List. Who are you scaring to?"

A middled age man flew towards the sky and tried to touch the scroll who appeared not long ago.


Suddenly, before he reach the top, he was struck by a lightning and his whole body was destroyed. Even the soul didn't even spared.

Looking at the sky above, all cultivators in the Immortal Ream wad shock at this moment.

They all look terrified and scared.

They also recognize the middle age man earlier, although he is an Rouque Cultivator, he was also famous in the Upper Realm and his Strenght have Reach the Early Stage of the Immortal king Realm.

They didn't expect that because of Arrogance an greed, such a powerful cultivators will die.

"The Violators of the Heavenly List will be Destroyed. "

A powerful Voice sounded again in the sky and the White light dissappeared.

The Scroll above was hangging and the top of is written the word ' The Heavenly Genius List'

Alex look at the people beside him with smile and said with smile. "See that? In my master didn't even make a move. A Cultivators of Immorta King Realm was turn in to ashes by the scroll"

"Boy, What's the Strenght of your master?"

This time, one of the Ancestors of the Immortal God Sect who was awakened look at Alex and ask in a deep voice.

"My Master is always been Mysterious, even the Strongest Immortal Emperor of our sect can't be compared. I'm not arrogant but i doubt if the Ancestors of our Sect can take his gaze"

Saying this, Alex turn around and return to his own room.

The people in the Immortal God Sect wad shock at this moment. Even the Ancestors who ask him was terrified, he was also a powerful Immortal Emperor but he can see that Their Young Emperor was not bluffing.

They all look above with complicated expression and they wondered how such a powerful person appeared in the Immortal Realm.


Suddenly, the sky above trembled and all cultivators look above because there's have a content that appear in the Scroll.

"The Rank 100: Von Edward. He is from Edward Family in the Green Leaf Domain. He have the Cultivation base of the Peak Stage of the Human Immortal Realm.

Reward: Ancesssion Pill

A white light flew towards the direction of the Green Leaf domain in the Edward Family.

All cultivators look above with envy, they all sense that the White light who who have flew was the Ancession pill.

Some of them even have the idea to snatch the Pill and get for themselves.

" om"

"The Rank 99: Pedro Hummer. A rouque Cultuvators in Sky Land one of the Powerful Lands in the Immortal Domain. he have the Strenght of the Peak of the Human Immortal Realm.

Reward: 2 Ancession Pill

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