Chapter 11

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"What about my Daughter?" Chad Li continnue to ask.

"The Holy maiden was accepted as an Registered Disciple and she was now in the City playing with Lady Selena the maid of the Pavilion Lord"
He said in a low voice.

In these days when they were travelling to go back, he knew many important impormation in Selena's mouth because Venice was keep asking.

He also knew that the Elder Sister of Selena was about to Breakthrough to the Holy King Realm it is said that it is the realm above Saint.

After hearing the impormation he was shock and he also heared that there was many subordonate hiding at performing some mission and it is all strong. Selena also said a little about position in Heavenly Secret Pavillion amd of course Luka didn't care about them, even if the others knew what can they do?just crush them , that's it.

"What did you say? My daughter who have the double pupil just an Registered Disciple?" Chad Li was surpirse he didn't have any angred because of this news.

"HAHAHAHA interesting"

He laughed while the other Core members of the Li Family Look at the Great elder with questioning look.

"Great Elder, why did my Sister just an Registered Disciple?is there any qualification needed?" This time Zane who was silent for a long time spoke seriously in a confuse manner. He always love his Sister very much that's why he was worried.

Dong Li look at his Holy Son with a bitter look, he though that even if His Holy son came with him, the chance for Being a Direct Disciple was slim.

Looking at the eager eyes if his clansmen he took a deep breath and said.

"The Pavilion lord just didn't say any qualification, he just said that the Holy Maiden is too weak. If were'nt for Lady Selena Pleading she wasn't accepted as an regestered Disciple"

"Of course my Daughter is weak because she's just a child"

This time the middled age woman who was look like in her thirties walk in the main hall and said with calm tone.

"Alright let Dong boy finish his explanation we just need to listen" Chang Li spoke and the Hall immediately become quiet.

He is one if the Ancestors of Li Family, his strenght was also in the Semi saint realm and he can ascend anytime if the Spiritual energy is enough. His brother ascend in the upper realm 15 Thousand years years ago and become famous.

Everyone obey his order and respect him.

"Great Elder, explain it clearly. Every one is eager to know about your trip" Chad also spoke in low voice while his wife have a frowed because she can't accept the fact that her daughter was just an regestered Disciple.

Dong Li finally took a deep breath and began to explain.

"Don't worry everyone i will explain it in details. "

"As i just said, The Holy maiden was just a regestered Disciple and the Pavillion lord says that if she persist or prove it she will become a direct disciple. It is more like a test or Challenge for her"

"When we arrive at the Heavenly secret Pavillion there are many treasures everywhere and i also see many strong man"

"I know that mY though will be ridiculous but i think the Heavenly Pavillion is far more Terrifying and more Stronger than our family"

"Dong Boy, Quickly explain how do they be more Terrifying and stronger than our Ancient Li Family, you must know that we have a Total of 15 Ancestors and there are also 4 Semi Saint and five including my Daughter inlaw Xena. " Oda Li spoke in low voice but you will hear the dignified tone.

Dong Li look again at the core member of the Li Family and began to explain for the second time.

"When we travelled to go back this time Lady Selena Accompany us because The Pavillion Lord just give thr Holy Maiden one month and then go back to the Mountain to Cultivate. "

"While on the way, the Holy maiden keep asking a Question in Lady Selena and i was also hearing at that time."

"Lady Selena said the there group of people under the Command of the lord Called Heavenly Guards and it is Divided into Different Level, she said that there are Five Uncles which have the Strenght of the peak of Tribulation Realm. Those Five Uncles was Called Heavenly Generals"

"But i think that the strenght of those Five might not be just in the Peak of Tribulation Realm, they might be the same level of our patriach or higher."

After Dong Li finish Speaking the whole room was silent.

"I didn't expect that there was actually such force, btw is that the only strong man?" Lu Li ask in low voice. He was also one of the Oldest Ancestors in the Li Family which is the same level as Chang Li.

Dong Li didn't hesitate and said in a low voice.

"After Lady Selena said that, she also said that there are Five Comander who have also the strenght of Tribulation Realm and there are Countless Elite Who are in the Life and Death Realm. "

"The most Ridiculus things is All elite in that Heavenly Guards was actually Below 35 Years Old peak of the Life and Death realm"

"After hearing that, me and the Holy Maiden was shock. Why the Holy maiden was a talkative person so she asked again and again and Lady Selena was also Happy to answer her Question without being worry"

"Aside from Heavenly Guards Lady Selena Said that there are also have Called the Four Messenger, and those old guys rarely show themselves unless the Pavillion Lord Called Them. She said that the Strenght of those four was Semi Saint Realm and on the Verge of Break through to the Saint Realm."

"It is not the end, Lady Selena and Lady Celine was Only the Maid of Pavillion Lord. Lady Selena's age was just the same age as the Holy Maiden which is 19 Years old but her Strenght is reach the Middle Stage of Saint Realm and in terms of Fight she will not weaker than madam in her peak. "

After saying that Dong Li look at the Xena who was besides Chad Li. She was from the Upper Realm Ye Family, and the Ye Family was considered to be First Class Force in Upper Realm and her Strenght Reach the Late Stage of Saint Realm.

Xena on the other side look surprise and shock because a 19 Year old Middle stage of Saint was just a Maid.

"A 19 year old saint Realm maid huh? What a powerful person" Chad Li said in shock and the others was also dumbounded.

"Everyone this is not the end please listen to for me to end my explnation" Dong Li said in a low voice when he look at the Surprise expression of Everyone.

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