The day the music died

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Natasha's POV

I was 26 when i started working for fury. He told me he'd be able to help me find y/n. That I'd be able to spend the rest of my life with the woman I loved. With her. The woman I had been thinking about for the past fifteen years ever since we got taken to the red room. I heard she escaped a year after I did . I also heard how she did loads of protesting to take down the red room in 2016. I was 31 when I heard about her doing it and 32 when she went fully under.

Fury found her again in 2018. I hadn't heard anything about her for two years and I was really giving up on our happy ever after . I was thirty-four and I hadn't seen my love since I was eleven. Twenty three years since then and I still loved her. I just hoped she'd still be as madly in love with me as I was with her.
It was a Tuesday when fury came to talk to me told me someone special was going to come to the compound and see me.

Tony: okay okay listen up ! I'm hungry and seen as I'm the billionaire I'm guessing I'm buying dinner for all of you. So what do you want so I can order.
Steve: if your ordering then I want parsnip and celery root bisque.
Tony: rogers it ain't the 1920's none of us know what that is.
Bruce: it's a soup Tony.
Tony: he could have just said that then. Soup for Steve, Bruce you want tacos?
Bruce nods as others say there orders. I just sit there thinking about what fury would want to talk about.
Wanda: Nat ?
Natasha: hmm
Wanda: Tony asked what you'd like to eat.
I tell him my order and then fury walks in.
Fury: Romanoff follow me.
I follow him to one of the offices. We sit and then he tells me he'll be back leaving me with my thoughts.

Y/n's POV
I had a call yesterday whilst I was at work from this guy called nick. He told me he'd be coming to pick me up and to grab whatever I needed . So as soon as I finished work I made my way home packed both mine and lily's things. I went to pick her up from daycare and when I got back there was this guy in my living room.
He explained who he was and told me we were going away for a bit. I didn't really have a choice so I grabbed our things and put lily in her car seat. I locked the front door and as I got to his car he was buckling lily into his car. We set off i soon realised we were going to New York. I lived in Ohio. I went back there when I found out I was pregnant, I wanted my daughter to have a childhood I never did the childhood I wanted. The childhood I had in Ohio before I went to the red room. After the many hours of driving we finally reached New York. I had an idea of what this was about but I didn't know for sure.

We stopped in front of this big building .
Nick: I'll be right back .
I nod as he makes his way up to the door and goes in, I get lily out of her car seat and start to feed her, a few minutes after she's finished and muck arrives back at the car. As we make our way up the steps I burb lily putting her back into her car seat carrying her up with her. He takes me through this room which I'm guessing is a living room because there's loads of people in there staring at us.
This brunette girl walks over to us.
Fury: not now Wanda
Wanda : you have a cute baby, do you want me to look after her whilst you talk to fury?
I think about it for a second before agreeing telling the girl to look after my child. Warning that if anything happens I wouldn't hesitate to kill all of them.
We walk a bit more till we reach a door.
Fury: she's waiting for you.
Y/n: Natasha's in there?
He nods and I rush to open the door going in and straight away running at her. I kiss her passionately to make up for all the years I've not had her. I pull away after for a breath until she pulls me back in.
Natasha: it's been to long моя любовь
Y/n : it really has принцесса

We spent the day together and she met lily. And I could tell instantly that she had fallen in love with her. We were happy .
I started working for fury then and it was amazing the best year of my life. Me and Nat decided to move in together I kept my house In Ohio for when we took time off but I lived with her in the compound.

Natasha's POV

When I say y/n again after all that time I knew it was us against the world figuratively and literally. We loved each other and I loved her daughter too. She was like my own.
Later on that year I lost her . I had turned 35 by then she hadn't even turned 33 when I lost her.
I lost both her and lily after y/n died the government took lily away from me. I wasn't a parent so o didn't get her. Three years later I sacrificed myself for the world. Yes the world all the people in it all the people lost in the blip. But I also sacrificed myself for my world. To be back with her. To be able to be in her arms again. To feel loved to have the love of my life. The reason I existed. The reason I never gave up. Losing y/n really destroyed me , but what destroyed me even more was her funeral. Not many people were there obviously the team was but other than that not many people. Some of her family . They played her song, our song. And the lyrics hit me, because they were right. It really was the day my music died.

I hope this was good I didn't really know what to do. I kind of just let it flow. Let me know what you think.
See you next time .
1100 words x

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