🌿 natasha 🌿

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Tony : Nat are you listening?
Natasha * silence*
Vision: Wanda darling
Wanda reads Natasha's  mind
Y/n:! ( hello!)
Y/n: ( you asleep?)
Y/n: (oh I'm sorry..well no)
Y/n * laughing*
Y/n: (nah, it's not important..)
Y/n: * laughing*
Y/n: ( .. we went  to the beach, and now we're-)
Y/n: ( perfect!)
Y/n: Natasha
Wanda: who is she?
Natasha: it doesn't matter
Steve: well what happened to her then?
Natasha: she..died
Tony: I'm sorry Nat, but why would you think of her during our meeting, you never daydream in meetings
Natasha: because today is the one year anniversary of her death and...
Natasha: [and when she was happy so was I]
Y/n: Natasha wait for me!
Natasha: hurry up slowcoach * laughing*
Natasha: [ when she loved me]
Y/n: Natasha god your such an idiot
Natasha: but you still love me
Natasha: [ through the summer and the fall]
Natasha: [ we had each other that was all]
Natasha: [ just her and I together]
Natasha : [ like it was me at to be]
Natasha: [ and when she was lonely]
Natasha: * whispering* I love you y/n
Natasha: [ I was there to comfort her]
Natasha: you're  so beautiful y/n
Natasha: [ and I knew that ]
Y/n: * giggles a bit* thank you my love
Natasha: [ she loved me]
Y/n: marry me Tasha?
Back to in the meeting room
Natasha: she died whilst proposing

Natasha Romanoff x scarlet johansson Where stories live. Discover now