The nightmares

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Thank you youreaposer

Y/n's POV
I've been having nightmares for the past three nights , all three nightmares have ended in my teeth being pulled out. I hate the thought of my teeth coming out. I've always hated going to the dentist. I've not been eating much this past week, everything I've tried to eat has just hurt my gum more. I've not told my mum but I know she's noticed my pain. As I pull my toothbrush out of my mouth I see loads of blood on it, I scream and throw it to the bin. My aunt and mum come running up the stairs. As they get to the door they both say
Scarlett &lizzie: y/n are you okay?!?
At the same time
My mum comes over to me as my aunt goes to the bin
Lizzie: y/n why's your toothbrush on the floor?
Lizzie: omg why does it have so much blood on it.
Scarlett: there's blood?
Scarlett: y/n do you want me to book you a dentist appointment?
Y/n: mum I've told you before I don't need a dentist appointment
Scarlett: y/n you literally have blood on your toothbrush you need to go to the dentist
Y/n: I'm not  going to the dentist, I'm 21 I don't need to be told to go to the dentist
Scarlett: yeah your 21 you should be at your own house right now. And because your here I can book you an appointment.
Scarlett's POV
It's been a few days and I've booked her an appointment for today . I knock on the bathroom door and say
Scarlett: y/n come on we need to go
Y/n: coming , can I get two flavours please
Oh yeah, I didn't tell her about the appointment I told her we were going to get ice cream. We get in the car and start driving there she doesn't  really pay attention to where we're going. Which is good. We get here and I literally drag her all the way to the front desk. As her name gets called out I push her into the room. After five minutes we finally get y/n to sit in the chair. The dentist starts to check her teeth. I held her hand all the way through the appointment. As soon as he takes his hands out of her mouth. He says
Dentist: y/n you have to teeth that are very wobbly they've been what's bleeding and because there's two it was hurting you.
We leave making sure we've booked her next appointment. For in a year, y/n's choice.

Thank you for reading this and thank you youreaposer for suggesting this idea
I hope I've done it how you wanted it .

463 words

Natasha Romanoff x scarlet johansson जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें