19- Brookies= Bad

Start from the beginning

"I got my first barrel at 10 or 11 I think." She finally said, biting the inside of her cheek as she thought.

"Honestly, it started out as a hobby, then a sport and now I'm back at a hobby."

I nodded my head understanding, but Stopped as Nora began laughing while looking up at the wall.

She pointed to the board above the bar wall. It had a completely busted tail and the leash area was completely ripped out.

"I did that like 5 years ago." She explained looking at the destroyed board. "In competition, I didn't put the leash on the board close enough and it ripped through the bottom."

"In competition? Did you paddle in?" I asked looking at the stated of the board.

Nora just scuffed and shook her head a smile playing on her lips.

"I was a different type of athletic back then, I finished the time without a leash and missing the back half of my tail."

Nora laughed to herself and I smiled, it hadn't been that long since she looked like she was going to have a mental break down in the boat.

"Wheres that athletic now?" I asked

Nora shrugged and looked back down into her Coke.

"I grew up."

I watched Nora with curiousity, so much being said without her saying it.

God she was gorgeous, and I'd seen her surf a couple of times when I was out with Luke and Ryan. She was good, really good. There was no question as to why she had the O'Neal deal.

"So Nora the pro surfer spends her time wrecking boards, shredding waves, and filling gas tanks." I exclaimed

She turned towards me dimples on playing in her cheeks. She brushed her wavy brown hair behind her ears.

"Don't forget drinking with her best friends and watching movies with my roommate Finn."

She nudged me, her bubbly personality shining through.

I looked down at her by my side, biting my bottom lip.

Suddently the door to the bar open and Nora instently turned her head to see who was walking in.

I watched as her smile quickly turned to panic.

"Fuck." She mumbled before sliding between me and the bar

"Nora, what the hell?" I asked as she moved against me in ways that were good in private bad in public.

"Just hide me." She whispered

I wanted to be confused, but the way me and Nora were standing I could feel her panic.

Her body was tense and her breathing had quickened. She was shaking, only slightly but enough for me to notice.

Instinctivly I placed my chin in top of her head and wrapped an arm around her waist trying to comfort her. It was almost as if she was beginning to have a panic attack.

I wanted to look back and see who entered the bar but I didn't have to. He came right up and sat on a bar stood to my left, he had beach blonde hair and a stronger build.

He was 1 or 2 years older than me and gave off a stiffer vibe with his blood red board shorts and black Ron John shirt.

He looked at me and Nora almost with a hateful disgust.

Nora kept her head down, and tried to keep her breathing normal. She took her left hand and gripped onto my right forearm tight, almost begging me not to leave.

"Finn, right?" The guy finally asked holding out his hand

I shook his hand, only giving him a half smile as I did.

"Yeah." Was all I said, surprised by the grip he was giving me through the hand shake.

"Josh." He said and I felt Nora's finger nails grip into my arm.

I rubbed my thumb against Nora's waist, she leaned back into me and I could almost feel how fast her heart was beating.

"I heard you were new to town and a pretty good surfer, so I thought I'd introduce myself." Josh explained while waving his hand to the bar tender to get a drink.

"Thanks man I appreciate it." I said, surprised he had heard about me.

"Nah I like to give credit where credit is due, Nora would now." He said the last part finally looking down at Nora.

Nora didn't look back, she kept her gaze at the bar top.

"Mhm." Was all she replied nodded her head agreeing with him right away.

Josh just smiled at Nora before looking back to me.

"I was hoping you'd be interested in a surf session with me before this Friday." He said casually, taking a small drink from his glass.

My eyes widen, shit.

Kia must have told him about my try out.

"Um, maybe another time. Thanks though." I stated beginning to move away from the bar with Nora following my every move.

Josh just shrugged, seemingly unbothered.

"Yeah, no big deal, just thought you would want some practice before the try out." Josh exclaimed quickly earning Nora's attention.

She quickly turned to look at me, her eyes wide with shock.

Nora looked at Josh with disbelief, she shook her head mouth slightly open.

Then she looked back at me, almost with fright. Waiting for me to tell her it was a lie, almost begging me to. But I couldn't.

I could barely hear her whisper "no"

A spectator to this conversation would have thought I had killed a loved one of hers from the way Nora was looking at me.

Josh almost scuffed at her reaction, almost as if he thought she was over reacting.

"Calm down Nora this isn't love and war. Finn can surf where ever he wants." Josh crossed his arms.

Nora didn't stop looking at me, waiting for me to tell her it wasn't true.

When she got no response, she left. Ran straight out of the club house not bothering to even shut the door.

"Welp." Josh said with a shrug, unbothered, "see you on Friday."

He had a smirk on his face, that I ignored. Still looking out the door towards Nora I bit the inside of my cheek.

"See you Friday." I replied

Words: 1479

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