Chapter 7

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Unedited and wrote at work on my phone. R.i.p. I wish you luck reading this chapter.

Chapter 7

Julian's first few days on probation had mostly been spent following Emery around as he did his business. Boring business. Despite the urge to toss himself down the stairs for his own sanity and to spice the day up, Julian was a good little rogue omega like everyone wanted him to be. But after a long night of not being able to sleep, tossing and turning in the silence he isn't used to, he finally gives up. 

It's early in the morning when he finally decides to break the rules and exit his room. There is nothing for him to do in there but stare at the wall and count the knots in the wood of the bed or how many loops there are in the bathroom rug. Too many. Julian gave up once he reached two hundred. Since the maids are asleep and Emery is asleep still, there is no one to Chaperone Julian. His stomach isn't getting any quieter either.

The halls are dime and erri as he walks down them. Any little noise echoes around him, the only thing softening his steps are the rugs strategically placed throughout. At times, he steps on solid wood and the floor creaks. He flinches as he lays his foot down again to take another step and keeps going towards the kitchen.

When he arrives to his destination, it is empty. To be expected. He isn't sure when the kitchen staff come in, but is not surprised that they aren't here when it isn't even 5am yet. Shuffling through the kitchen, Julian gathers the ingredients he would need to make a fancy breakfast. He has the time, might as well. He hasn't made his mother's famous breakfast since Silas' eighteenth birthday, right before he was taken. Banana and peanut butter or chocolate pancakes, maple bacon, your style eggs, home made biscuits, and a cup of fresh squeezed orange juice. 

As Julian lets the biscuit dough rise, the chef finally enters the kitchen. They startle each other when their heads snap up to see the new presence. Julian grips onto the bowl he uses to stir pancake batter. Eyes wide his mouth gaps as he tries to find an excuse.

"Now," The short woman says as she fully enters the kitchen. "What have you got going on here?"

"I-" Julian sets the bowl down and looks at the flour covered counter. "I couldn't sleep and was hungry. . ."

"Hm." The woman stands beside him as she inspects the food and ingredients around him. "And what were you makin'?"

"My mom's famous special breakfast." He blushes at the admission as if it was something to be embarrassed about. But, he could have just said breakfast. Why, why, why did he add in the personal detail of it being from his mom? This lady doesn't care. Plus, how stupid does he have to look being on probation and sneaking out to make a recipe by a dead woman? She must think he's weird.

"Looks delicious!" She exclaims as she checks everything out. "You know what, we'll have this for breakfast today. You wanna help me prep? the team will be here in thirty, but you're already here."

He can only stand stunned. He for sure thought he was about to be beaten and kicked out. With a switch of his weight from one foot to the other and a glance around, Julian whispers, "aren't you going to go tell them I was here alone? I'm supposed to have a chaperone."

Yes, he just ratted himself out. Why? even Julian doesn't know. Maybe shock. Maybe tiredness.

Mrs. Chef laughs at him. "No. In my eyes, you've done nothing wrong."

When Julian squints his eyes in confusion the chef rubs his arm and sighs. "Our king is grieving and under a lot of pressure. People sometimes make bad choices when that happens and we don't make the right decisions one-hundred percent of the time. He made a bad call with you. Anyone can see you're just looking for a home and not some spy."

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