Chapter 5

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Soooo this may be a bit longer. Had a few new faces to talk about and also cause I got carried away with a lil rant that Julian does. Forgive me🧎


Chapter 5

Unfortunately, being done with his heat means that Julian now has to face the wrath of the king. Sometime while he was confined in the infirmary, they settled on how to decide Julian's fate. Noah and Chase being the ones to point out how King Xavier has a bias. Ultimately his fate would be decided by the small council.

The small council consists of the king, the queen or the previous queen or their stand in as that will be Julian's case, th twoe royal betas, the gammas, the head warrior, and the four elders. Apparently in the two years he has been king, Xavier hasn't appointed a second beta and only replaced Fern Lake pack to Heartford pack as the third gamma pack, so there will be one less person than usual. Eleven instead of twelve. Quite a few people, but much smaller than the large council which consists of three representatives from each pack. Small matters, like Julian's, are decided by the small council. They have a higher ruling over all packs. Matters wolves find unfairly solved in their own packs can be taken to the small council to be looked over as well. As Julian knows from experience, that process is long and rarely ever gets anywhere.

Noah and Charlotte escort him to the council room. Due to the distance, Julian gets to take in the art and architecture of the building he has been staying in. The ceilings are high with arches decorating the sides. Some halls are plain and dull, but the ones with the art and woodworking grab Julian's attention. If he could, he would have sat stairing at the walls for hours.

The doors to the council room are open when they finally make it to their destination. Julian can smell the overwhelming strength of the people in the room. Charlotte gives him a shoulder squeeze before leaving, not being apart of the council. The two omegas left walk side-by-side into the room.

All chatter stops when he steps through the door frame into the spacious room. If he didn't know any better he would have assumed the room was a ballroom. Marble floors that stand out against the darker regal walls, lined with floor to ceiling windows. A large table sits in the middle of the room. On one end sits a large inteicate chair that stands out amongst the rest. On the opposite end is no chair.

With a nudge, Noah guides him to the spot where there is no chair. All eyes in the room track his every move. He can count ten people already sitting at the table.

Closest to the head chair is the women that Julian had met when he first arrived. She had been the one to command the guards. The royal pack beta. She exudes just as much power as any head alpha would. Besides and across from her are the four elders. Two men, one far older then the other, and two women, both watching him with beady eyes. Beside the elders are what Julian recognizes as the three gammas, the alphas of the three biggest packs. Chase sits closest to Julian. Next to his friends mate is Corbin, who Julian has met once when he came to deliver Julian the update on his punishment for existing. Across from him is the other gamma that Julian has never met, her scared face is guarded as she watches Julian. Her mate standing stoik behind her, keeping his eyes on Julian just as much as the alpha he is mated to.

Three chairs remain empty. The head chair, the chair to the right of the head chair, and the chair to Julian's right. The king, his maternal parent due to him not being married, and his head warrior. Julian continues to wander his gaze around the room to avoid the stares on him from so many powerful people. Across the four corners of the room stand a guard at each one. And Just like the gamma lady Julian has not been introduced to, each council member has their mate standing behind them. Two of the elders do not. Noah stands behind Chase and when Julian's eyes land on him his friend gives him a reassuring nod.

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