Batman draws the disruptor and fires it at Brainiac, who lies there as if not
believing he lost.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the ship, Supergirl awakens to find herself cuffed to a table which were made of kryptonite. The cuffs were on her neck, arms and legs. Now why I said were is because when a Beta moves towards her, the Betas head falls to the ground and you appear to remove the cuffs for Supergirl. She is weakened from the kryptonite, but she sits up and gives you a hug as she was so happy to see you but a table caught your eye. When you moved to it you saw it had many different teeth and robotic parts. They reminded you of something. No not something but him.

Outside, the Beta ships lose power and descend to the floor. The ship shuts down as well and Batman gets on the headset to say that brainiac is down.

Batman: This is Batman. Brainiac is down.

Cyborg: (on the comm) The disruptor worked! All the Betas are shutting down!

Superman: (landing next to Batman) We did it! Now we find Kara! (The ship
then starts to fall) What's happening?!

Batman: Brainiac's mind is the ships CPU. Apparently he doesn't have a backup system.

The ship then decides it wants a career as a meteor so it starts to fall from space.

Superman: If we crash, all the cities preserved onboard

Batman: Destroyed.

Superman then turns to the control chair and has an idea. Without thinking he sits in the chair and grabs two tendrils that will connect him to the ship.

Batman: Clark, wait!

Superman: You said yourself. This ship is controlled by pure thought.

Batman: This could kill you!

Superman: Sounds like a job for me.

Superman puts the tendrils into his head, screaming in pain as they attach to him. the ship drops into the atmosphere, going for Gotham. Batman holds on as Superman puts his thoughts into the ship, fighting against the program Brainiac installed in it. Just as
its about to turn Gotham into a crater Superman mages to get control of the ship and flies it back up!

Batman: Create a bypass loop. Put the ship on autopilot.

Superman: Hrnn! Trying!

Brainiac: my ship! You will not destroy my collection!! (punches Batman several times, knocking him cold. To Superman) Relinquish my ship!

Superman doesn't move though. When Brainiac is about to punch Superman, a heat vision hits him from behind.  He falls to the ground to show that it was Supergirl who shot him. She then collapses herself, still weak from the Kryptonite. Brainiac is done yet; he stands and grunts as he looks to Supergirl.

Brainiac: You will regret that!!

He then gets punched in the face by a fist wearing a gold glove. It was you and you weren't going to let him touch Kara again. However he gets up again and says

Brainiac: project Mechagodzilla activate

Just then a metal robot that looked like Godzilla came out of the shadows, ready to take you out.

When he saw you he ran and tackled you out the ship, the two of you were crashing down towards earth whilst beating eachother up like regular human beings

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

When he saw you he ran and tackled you out the ship, the two of you were crashing down towards earth whilst beating eachother up like regular human beings. Back on the ship, Batman had just thrown a Batarang at Brainiac.

Brainiac: You are persistent but primitive theatrics cannot save you!

Brainiac is still weakened from his fight with Superman that helps Batman a lot as well as Supergirl shooting him in the back. It's a great fight but Brainiac falls to the Dark Knight.

Batman: Like you said, I'm persistent.

Batman checks on Superman, who is still fighting the program. Supergirl stands infront of Brainiac and remembers what he did to her people. She then goes to Kal-El, watching him struggle.

Batman: We need to get you out of there!

Superman: Not, yet, the cities

Superman starts to think harder. As he does this, many cities that were digitized reappeared on Earth. As Batman and
Supergirl watch the cities and people return, the rest of the League except you  go to the ship to watch. Superman breathes heavily then he falls off the chair. Supergirl and Wonder Woman take a few steps to help, but Superman gets to one knee.

Wonder Woman: You're ok!

Just then, Aquaman and Black Adam appear.

Aquaman: I thought it was too late, but I can feal the heartbeat of Atlantis!Brainiac's work is undone!

Superman: (shaking his head) Not all of it.  I couldn't save everyone.

Batman: Some cities are still trapped in the collection. Others were lost wiped from the ship's memory. Metropolis, Coast City

Green Lantern: But we can still save them, right? Carol? My family?!

Superman: I'm sorry, Hal. (Wonder Woman and Supergirl help him up)

Wonder Woman: First Krypton, now Earth?! No other world should suffer this!

Superman looks over at the body of
Brainiac. He walks over, preparing to kill the man who has taken his home from him but Batman stops him.

Batman: Clark, no! (Superman looks at Batman) Even if I agreed that he should die, you can't. We need him alive to save the rest of our cities.

Superman: No, we don't! With more time and Cyborg's help, the Ship will obey me!

Batman: or we could lose more cities.

Flash: Bruce is right. We can't be sure.

Aquaman: What we can be sure of is that Brainiac puts everyone else at risk!

Wonder Woman: This is no different than Joker. If you'd killed him, we might have...

Batman: It was never that simple, Diana!

Superman: Yes, it is, Bruce! Metropolis and Coast City are gone! (Batman secretly gets a golden dagger from his  utility belt) How many more innocent people die before you accept that some lives need to be taken?!?

Batman uses dagger to slice across Superman's chest and make him bleed! He groans and falls to the floor in pain. He sees his blood on the floor and on his suit.

Superman: My powers?! How did you?!

Batman: Gold Kryptonite courtesy of Firestorm.

Wonder Woman: Get up, Kal!

Batman: Stay down! Enough exposure and you'll be de-powered permanently!

Superman: This madness has to end, Bruce!

Meanwhile you were there dueling Mechagodzilla.

All right so first thing is thank you for all the votes and people putting this in a reading list, thank you and also we are pass 2k reads which makes this my 3rd book pass 2k reads which is insane thank you so much. Next is that seen as you can basically bully Superman for fun the option for superman winning won't be open like what I asked in my other book. Lastly is that next chapter will be about your fight with Mechagodzilla and there is only three or four chapters left to write. Thank you for reading and I will see you in the next chapter. Goodbye.

My Ghidorah जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें