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It takes one person to forgive, it takes two people to be reunited.- Lewis B.Smedes
After the incident at the party, Justin and I have become a lot more close. I no longer don't talk to him anymore. We are brother and sister again.

However, Aaron has become a bit more distant from me. He keeps going somewhere suspicious and making up excuses to hang out with me. I keep asking him where he suddenly needs to go when we have planned a date, but he doesn't tell me the truth. I hate to admit it, but I think he's cheating on me.

Today we have planned a date, but I have no doubt that he will postpone it. So, I have decided to follow him this time. I hate to be a snoop but what other choice do I have?

I receive a call from Aaron on the morning of our planned date, just as I wake up. I roll my eyes and press ANSWER. "Hey babe," I say in a sleepy voice. "Hey. I can't make it for today's date. I'm sorry," he replies. "We haven't had a date in the past 5 weeks! Where do you need to go this time?" I sigh. "I just have to go somewhere. I promise we will have a date next week," he promises. "You said that last time...." I say quietly. "What was that?" he asks. "Nothing," I mumble. "I'm sorry Dylan," he apologises before he hangs up.

Before I know it, my phone slams on my bed. I sit down on my bed and my head in my hands. After one tear falls, it becomes a flood. I lie down on my bed and bury my head in my pillow.

"Are you okay?" I hear Katrina's voice say. I lift my head and see her standing next to my bed. "Yeah, I'm fine," I reply. "Is it Aaron?" she asks. I pull her on my lap and kiss her forehead. "You're pretty smart for a 10 year old," I smile. "Thanks, I know. Would you like to talk about it?" she asks, curiously. "No it's okay," I lie. It's not okay. "Go eat your breakfast."

After Katrina leaves, I sit on my bed for a while just thinking. I eventually decide to not assume that he is cheating on me. I'll find out for myself.


At around 4.00pm, I park my car a couple of houses away from Aaron's house. This is supposed to be the time that we would have our date. I decided to wear normal clothing instead of black because nowadays that's just suspicious. But, I am going to cover my face up with sunglasses and hoodie.

At around 4.13pm, I see Aaron coming out of his house. He gets into his car and drives off into the other direction. I start my car and follow him. I make sure to stay far enough for him not to suspect anything but close enough for me to see him. After about 7 minutes, Aaron pulls up at a carpark. I park my car a few cars away from him. As I get out of my car, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I spin around and gasp.

"Dylan, what the hell?!" Aaron shouts. "Why were you following me?" "How do you know I was following you?" I shout back. Aaron folds him arms and raises his eyebrow. "Really? Dylan, I know your license plate and I saw you come out of your car."

"Oh," I say, nervously. "Well, why do you keep blowing off our dates? Are you seeing someone else?" I demand. "Why would you think that? I thought you trusted me," Aaron asks. "I trusted you," I reply, exaggerating trusted. "I can't believe this!" Aaron throws his arms up in the air. "Listen, I have needed to go to the doctor for 5 out of 7 days, because they suspect something bad about my cancer. They don't know if I will die or not! I am bloody worried about my life and then you show up asking if I'm cheating on you! You betrayed me, Dylan!" Aaron screams at me. "I...I...I'm sorry," I mumble guiltily. "Well, sorry doesn't cut it Dylan!" Aaron shouts, before walking to his car.

"Wait, Aaron!" I call after him. I run behind him but he leaves in his car before I get there. I stand there in the parking lot, probably making a fool of myself by balling my eyes out with tears. A crowd has gathered and I hurriedly leave before I make a scene. Actually, I think I have already. Well guess what everyone, round one: Aaron!

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