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The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.- Audrey Hepburn
"So my date is at 7.30 tonight and he's picking me up from my house and I asked him where he's taking me and he said it was a surprise!" I blabber to Casey on my phone. "OH MY GOD!" Casey screams from the other end of the phone. I have to hold my phone away from my ear because her screams are too loud. "This could be what you wanted." "It's 4.30pm now. Don't you need to get ready?" "Oh yeah, shit! Bye Casey! Love you!" I put the phone back on the table.

I quickly go to the shower and 45 minutes later my hair is dripping on the floor. I go to my bedroom and straighten my hair. After that, I pull my dress on which is a wavy lavender dress. I apply makeup and put on my earrings and shoes. By the time I am done it's 7.00pm. That's the fastest I've dressed up. I grab a matching purse and put my phone and wallet in the purse. I go downstairs and watch TV for the remaining time.

At 7.23pm the doorbell rings. I get up to answer it and it's obviously Aaron. He's wearing a blue shirt and black denim jeans. He even has a black bowtie. "Hi there Dylan!" he greets, still smiling. "Hi Aaron!" I greet back. "Are you ready to go?" he asks. "Yeah one sec, let me get my purse," I turn around to get my purse.

5 minutes later we are in Aaron's car driving somewhere. "You wanna tell me where we are going?" I ask. "I told you it was a surprise!" he hangs on to his words.

20 minutes later, I look outside and we are pulling into a carpark. It's too dark to see anything so I don't know where we are. Aaron gets out of the car and grabs something from the boot. He then leads me somewhere and tells me to stay where he put me. I think he left. About 20 seconds later, some lights are switched on. I can't see anything in the beginning as I closed my eyes because the light was too bright.

I opened my eyes and a majestic scene awaited my eyes. I was standing in the middle of the park with a picnic basket sitting next to me. The trees around me were covered in white lights. There was faint romantic music in the background. I see Aaron walk between two of the trees and come very close to me.

I can feel his breath against mine. His chest against mine. His eyes are locked with mine. I can smell his cologne, a very light cologne. And then, I see a twinkle in his eye. "Do you like my surprise?" he whispers. His breath is now on my neck. "Uh......yes,"I murmur. "Good!" he moves away from me.

He sets up the picnic and we both sit down. My heart is still beating from his closure. He has prepared a very fancy dinner which he makes right in front of me. We eat and talk. After we finish eating, we both are eating ice cream and sitting on the grass.

"How about we play a guessing game?" Aaron suggests. "Sure, you go first!" I answer him, curiously. "Okay, what is my favourite colour?" he challenges. I try to remember what he told me. Green..... Red..... Blue..... BLUE! BLUE! "It's BLUE!" I shout. "Correct!" he says, satisfied. "Okay, my turn! What is my favourite colour?"I challenge. "Oh, I know it's purp.......

"Well well what do we have here?" A familiar voice taunts. I turn around and as soon as I see the face, I scream "SHIT! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!"

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