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The cure for anything is salt water; sweat, tears or the sea.- Isak Dinesen
"Hey guys! I'm home!" I shouted as I walk through the door of my house. My house is big, very big. I'd say a mansion more like. Ever since my dad went to prison, it has just been me, Katrina, Joelle (my step mom) and my 20 year old brother Justin. My real mom died when I was born and I never really got to see her. I do have pictures of her though.

Well you know I may as well tell you my childhood. You already know that I lost my mum when I was born. When I was 9 years old, my brother was really drunk and high when he was babysitting me. He gave me some ICE which made me fall unconscious. He didn't know what to do because he was drunk and high. The next day, I woke up like normal. However, since then I became addicted to drugs like marijuana and ICE. It was really bad for me because I was so young.

When I was 12 years old, I was rushed to the hospital for overdosing on ICE. I spent 2 months in the hospital. Less than a year after I was released from the hospital, my dad was framed for murder by his boss. I know my dad didn't commit murder because he was with me the night the murder took place. My father wouldn't even kill a spider. He was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. Joelle gave birth to Katrina when my dad was in jail. My dad had never seen Kat and Kat has never seen our dad.

I overdosed in drugs again after the birth of Katrina. This time I was sent to England for 3 years to complete rehabilitation. Ever since the drug-free me came back to Melbourne, I've been studying hard and living normal life. I do have nightmares when I sleep though about my past and that's what causes me to oversleep.

Joelle is a CEO of a really big company and that's why we live in such a big house. It was so nice of her to let us live in her house after all shes been through. Every Saturday afternoon, she visits my father in prison. I go once in a while too. I can tell she misses him.

As for Justin, I have never forgiven him for what he did to me. He always tries to apologise to me but I just can find a way to forgive him. Sometimes he cries about what he did to me and at those times, I can really tell that he is sorry.

"Hi Dylan!" Katrina squeals as she runs into my arms for a hug. I love Katrina. She is just such a cute and loveable sister. She's also very smart for her age and her condition. I love her anyways. "Hi baby sis!" I laugh as I return the hug. "Hi Joelle," I say as I walk into the kitchen where Joelle is cooking. "Hi girly!" she replies. "How was school?" she asks curiously. "I met a major hottie today!" I exclaim fanning myself with my hand. "Ewwww! You're talking about boys and kissing!" says Katrina. "Soon you will be too!" I pinch her cheek.

"Hi family!" Justin walks into the kitchen. I look the other way. "Hi!" Joelle and Katrina reply. "Hi Dylan?" he waves his hand in my face. I don't respond, I just walk out of the kitchen to my bedroom and feel all eyes staring at me.

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