Stand By You

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Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.- H. Jackson Brown Jr.
"Dylan, wake up!" I hear a familiar voice. "Dylan!" A pair of hands grabs me by the shoulders and shakes me. "Wha..... Wha...... What?" I say, sitting up. I look up and see Joelle. "Oh hi," I say, disappointed. I was wishing to see another face.

"Dylan, why are your eyes red and swollen?" Joelle asks me. "Oh, I was crying because my friend died," I reply, devastated. "Wait, wait, wait...." says another person in the room. I look past Joelle and see Dr Rozniak. "Dylan, do you think Aaron died?" she asks me. "Well, yeah that's what you told me," I reply, my heart lifting a little. "No, no, no, he didn't die!" she assures me. My heart is going to come out of my mouth. "Oh my god! Really?" I dance in my seat. "Yes!" she smiles.

"Wait a second, then what did happen to him?" I ask, curiously. "Well, he is in a very critical condition. He has been in a coma for the past 2 days......."she replies. My heart drops a little. "Don't worry, nothing will happen to him unless he comes out of the coma," she says. "Phew!" I breathe. "Can I go see him?" I inquire. "We have to keep you here for a few days but after that you can see him as much as you like!"she tells me.

I want to see him so badly. I want to kiss his lips, cuddle up next to him and tell him how much I like him. I want to be his girlfriend. I hope time goes fast.


3 days later, I can go home. As soon as I walk in I feel a huge blow from the back of me. Katrina's little hands smack my shoulders as she climbs on my shoulders. "Hi, baby! I missed you!" I kiss her little forehead. "Me too!" she returned the kiss. Now that I'm home, I decide to spend some time with Joelle and Kat.

For about 4 hours, we play games like Duck-Duck-Goose, watch a movie, make cupcakes and sit and talk. At about 4.30pm, I decide to visit Aaron.

I reach the hospital at about 4.43pm. As I walk into his hospital room, I start to cry. I see his body lying there motionless just like the last time I saw him. He has stitches on his stomach with patches of blood on them.

I walk over to him and sit on the chair. My eyes do not leave his body. I see his chest rising and falling. His lips are red and straight. His eyes are closed. I look for any movement. I reach out and hold his hand. "I don't know if you can hear me, Aaron........ but I will stand by you until you get out of this. We will do it together! I can promise you that!" I sob. With that, I kiss him on the lips. I know he is still 'sleeping' because I feel no movement from his lips. I let go.

I climb up on the bed so I lie next to him. I make sure I don't squash him. I lie there for about 10 minutes crying on his shoulder until I fall asleep.

I am woken up by hands shaking on my shoulders. I awaken hoping to see Aaron's face waking me up but they are female hands. "Dylan, you have to get up! It's 7.30pm. Come on, I'll drive you home," Joelle ushers me out of the room. "Wait a second......." I say and run back into the room. I wrap my arms around Aaron's neck and squeeze him tight. I give him a quick kiss on the lips and run back out.


The next day at school, I receive many flowers from fellow classmates. After school, Casey and I go to the hospital to visit Aaron.

I talk to him some more, this time I knew he was listening because I learnt that people in comas do hear words. Before we leave, I put a bouquet of flowers under his bed. I kiss him on the lips again. I knew he was trying to kiss be back because I felt his chest tense up.

For 3 months, I visit Aaron every day and leave a flower for him under the bed every day. Every day, I stare at his body just lying there. I wish I could hug him and he could hug me back. One day, he will wake up. I know it.

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