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Tears come from the heart, not the brain.- Leonardo Da Vinci
The next day, I didn't go to school. I felt too sick to go. I woke up at around 11.45 am but I still wanted to go to sleep. I lay in my bed for about 2 hours texting Casey who had left to go to school. I realised I was hungry so I got up and went to the kitchen. After I ate, I went to the living room and watched TV for a few hours.

While I was watching, I heard a knock on the door. I got up to get it and Casey was at the door. "I have Coke and I also have marshmallows!" she smiles. I let out a small smile. "Thanks Casey. You're a good friend," I reply, hugging her. "Whatcha watchin?"she asks. "I dunno....." I shrug. "Let's watch a movie!" Casey suggests. "OK, which movie?" I flick through all the DVDs. "How about Grease 2?"she asks. "Sure!" I reply.

Two and a half hours later, we both end up sitting on my bedroom floor, talking and eating a ton of junk food. "Soooooo, about yesterday........." Casey trails off. "I don't want to talk about it," I tell her. "Okay,"she shrugs, disappointed.

At about 10.30pm, Casey leaves. I walk up to my bedroom and lie on my bed. Shit! I remember. I was meant to sit next to Aaron in the cafeteria today. I left him all alone. Maybe he didn't come today. I'm not meant to be freaking out so much. I decide that I will speak to him tomorrow.


The next day, I wake up at about 6.30am. I dress up extra pretty today. As I get to school, I look around for Aaron. I don't see him. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I spin around. "Hi Aaron!" I smile. "Hi Dylan!"he smiles, perfectly. "Why weren't you at school yesterday?"he asks, curiously. "I was unwell. Sorry I couldn't sit next to you yesterday," I apologise. "That's okay. I sat with your friend....Casey was it?"he tries to remember. "Yeah." I say. Why didn't Casey tell me, yesterday? "Walk with me to English class?" Aaron asks. "Yeah sure!" I say, sounding desperate. I gotta get a hold of myself.

"Will you sit with me today?" Aaron asks me suddenly in English class. "Uh...sure why not?" I reply. "Thanks!" he says, cheerfully.

A couple of hours later, we both sit opposite each other in the cafeteria. "So tell me about yourself!" I say, wanting to open a conversation. "Well, let's see. I was born in America to a Christian family. " I have no siblings. My parents are filthy rich and most of the time they don't even know I exist. My favourite subject is Business. I want to become a CEO when I am older. My favourite colour is blue. I have a dog named Bozo. Oh and I really like you." he flirts. "Tell me about you."

"Okay. I was born here in Australia to a Jewish family. I have two siblings. A older brother named Justin and a younger sister named Katrina. My dads in prison and my mum died when I was born. My dad married Joelle who is a CEO and they had Katrina. My favourite subject is Art as you probably know. My favourite colour is purple and I also really like you."I flirt back. I decide not to tell him my whole past because I don't even know him that well.

"Well then.... will you go on a date with me then?"he asks me, nervously. "You know what? I would love to go on a date with you, Aaron!" I reply, also nervous. "Okay then!" he jumps in his seat as the bell goes for the end of lunch. "I'll text you. What's your number?" he asks. We exchange numbers and exit the cafeteria together. We both smile each other as we got to our separate classes.

"Where were you?" Casey ask me in Technology. "I just got a date with the hottest guy on Earth!" I squeal. "OH MY GOD!" Casey squeals back. "You are going on a date with Aaron!?" "Yep!" I reply. "You have to tell me all details or I'll kill you!" she threatens. "OK!" I give in. "But I don't know where we are going. I hope it's somewhere different not like at a restaurant or a movie." I hope Aaron is different from other guys but still a romantic. Bring on the adventure!

Raindrops Are Tearsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें