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Where there is is love, there is life.- Mahatma Ghandi
"CRUZ, I'M ASKING YOU SOMETHING? WHAT ARE YOU DOIING HERE?" I demand. "Is there something wrong?" Aaron asks. "Why are you with this bitch?" Cruz asks Aaron. "How dare you speak like that?" Aaron snaps, taking a step forward.

"You better watch your steps? You don't know what I'm capable of!" Cruz threatens. "Please leave!" I beg Cruz. "Who is he?" Aaron asks me. "Her boyfriend!" Cruz interrupts. "Ex-boyfriend!" I correct. "Whatever, now are you going to leave?" he commands Aaron. "Not until you do! You have no right to interrupt our date," Aaron pushes his chest out.

"Alright, then fight me. Whoever loses will have to leave. Deal?" Cruz challenges. I look at Aaron and his face is determined. Oh my god, he's considering it! Before he can answer, I beg Cruz to leave. "Are you chicken?" Cruz taunts Aaron. "I'll do it!" Aaron steps forward.

I see the hatred and determination in both their eyes. I watch helplessly as Cruz circles Aaron with Aaron keeping an eye on Cruz from the corner of his eye. I don't know who is going to hit first. I quiver in fear because I do know what Cruz is capable of.

Suddenly, I see Cruz attack Aaron from the back. His fist hits the back of Aaron's head. Aaron falls face first on the ground. "Come on, get up!" Cruz taunts. Aaron stumbles as he tries to get up. Before he gets up, Cruz charges forward. This time, his fist enters Aaron's stomach.

Aaron lies on the ground, his chest rising and falling. Cruz bends over Aaron and with the tip of his nose almost touching Aaron's. "You know why Dylan and I broke up?" he spits. "Coz I cheated on her. In her own bed." This time, Aaron punches Cruz in the nose. Cruz holds his nose with blood seeping down his hand.

Both of them are on their feet, with anger on their faces. Cruz runs up to Aaron and punches him in the stomach. Aaron buckles over and falls to the ground. Cruz glares at Aaron with his bloody lips trembling.

"Aaron, get up! Please!" I beg. He lies there motionless. I kneel over him and see blood on his stomach. I look back at Cruz and see a small knife in the palm of his hand. "I'm..... I'm......sorry......." Cruz mumbles with tears in his eyes, then turns and runs.

I turn back to Aaron. "AARON! AARON! GET UP!" I plead, tears pouring down my face. I take off his shirt, and use it to put pressure on the wound. With my other hand, I grab my phone out of my bag and dial 000.

10 minutes later, I see the ambulance through my blurred eyes. My eyes transfer to Aaron's body, still motionless. That's the last thing I remember, before my head makes contact with the ground.


"Dylan........." a voice calls out. I squint my eyes without actually opening them. "Dylan, can you hear me?" the voice says again. Slowly and carefully, I pull my eyes open. I slowly move up into a sitting position and look around. Why am I in a hospital bed? I see a figure in the corner of the room. I try to see who it is. The figure walks up to me and I see it's a female lady with short brown hair. I think she's a doctor.

"Hi Dylan," she says to me. "I'm Dr Rozniak. I don't know if you remember anything about the incident, do you?" she asks. "Not after I fainted," I murmur. Aaron! Aaron! "Doctor, what happened with the other person that was with me?" I inquire. "I tell you that in a second, but first I need to tell you what happened with you," she told me.

"After you fainted, you both were taken here. We assessed you for any damage and unfortunately you had quite a hard bump to the head. You were unconscious for three days!" I lifted my hand and felt this squishy lump on my forehead. It was quite big.

"And my friend?" I ask. "Unfortunately his injuries were critical. The doctor's operated on him yesterday. The knife that he was stabbed with punctured a vital organ......." she turned away from me. "AND?" I plead.

A few seconds later, Dr Rozniak turns around and walks up to my bed very slowly. She sits in the chair next to my bed and picks up my hand. Her fingers move back and forth against my wrist.

Finally, after about a minute she says four words which I dread to hear. "I'm very sorry Dylan..........". And at that moment, I drop.

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